Like an hour later

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A/N sorry for the spelling mistakes.

Tony's POV:

Loki stared down at the mjolnir before bending down and... picking it up? "Pathetic!" He whispered whiles snapping the handcuffs and putting the hammer back in place. He squeezed his wrists out of the snapped handcuffs and made his way to the windowsill (like a sofa against the window.) All of us just stood there, gawping at the gods actions. Slowly, he dragged his hand up to his hair and dragged it back, revealing his face. Pale as usual, but his eyes were not ocean-blue as they were when he attacked New York. Instead they were a bright forest green.

In the morning, Thor smashed down onto the helicarrier parking part. His heavy footsteps gradually made their way down into the room where the mjolnir lay. Loki was still perched on the window sill reading William Shakespeare, a book which he had took of off the shelf in his room. "Man of iron. Barton. Romanoff. The captain of America. Green" It took him a minute to register what was going on. "Who has snapped the wrist tighteners?" My hand edged its way up and aimed a finger at the god of mischief and lies. "Is this true brother?" Thor questioned as though he would answer like it was such a normal conversation. Those chatoyant bottle green eyes moved without hurrying, gradually made it to Thors face. "Obviously." He growled whilst re adjusting himself so he was facing us.

"How?" Questioned Thor, slight fear echoing throughout.

"With my hands?" Loki replied sarcastically.

"But you would need to lift the mjolnir!" Clear shock ran through his words.

"I know that." The more good looking god said, annoyance dripping from that one sentence.

Thor grabbed the hammer and placed it onto Loki...literally. If Loki wasn't chosen/worthy he would suffocate.

Without missing a beat, he took ahold of the price of stone and slid it off the book he was reading. "Do you mind? You have just folded the pages, you oaf!" And win that he continued with the collection of dead trees smothered down into a sheet. The shock and fear displayed on that one persons face was utterly amusing and hilarious. I couldn't help but snicker.

Loki's POV:

The man of iron snickered at Thors expression. The rest of the avengers stared at me as if I wasn't human...which is true. "Have you finished having a melt down now, Thor?" It was my turn to question him.

"I.Im. I..I'm going back to asguard if something happens contact me, friends."

"Bye brother nice seeing you again." I beamed slyly.

He thundered out of the tower and teleported back to the unholy land. Before he left I managed to catch what he had said in a hushed tone, "No matter the circumstances don't let him go near anything cold, weather or objects." After them asking why, in the same tone, he pushed them away with," Just don't,okay?!"

Avengers befriend LokiWhere stories live. Discover now