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Nats POV:

Loki was still half asleep when he came into the living room. The twins were at some day care thing whilst we relaxed. Tony had offered to take Cassie for a walk. Loki glared him down until Tony swore on his life that he'd not harm the dog. Finally Loki agreed. All of us, except Loki and Steve, went with the dog to a park.

Steves POV:

Loki was cuddled up next to me on the sofa, I played with his hair as the tv droned on. The buzz of the actors on screen was used as a background noise to make it feel less lonely.

Five minutes later and me and Loki were playing laser tag through your the tower. S.H.I.E.L.D workers had to keep dodging out of the way as we ran throughout Fury's company building. Loki was winning as he could do all sorts of good hiding techniques. He had climbed through the vents and was shooting me from above.

*1 hour later*

Nats POV:

Peter had ahold of the lead and was in the front walking Cassie. We began to cross the rode as someone sped past. The sound of horns blaring and an animalistic shriek echoed into all of our minds. The car had stopped a little further away- sideways across the road. The man stepped out and threw an empty vodka bottle at us. Luckily it missed. I looked over to Tony and he was sitting in the road with his head in his hands. He was staring at something...and crying. Silent tears were dripping down his face. I looked at what he was staring at. "No..." I whispered. Bruce was trying to stop bleeding, peter sat next to Clint- who was standing up staring down at the pup. It had only been a few months since Loki had got Cassie yet he had grown immensely in love with her. I collapsed next to the dog and held the wound closed. Everyone carried on the streets acting like nothing had happened, occasionally someone would stop to take a picture. Tony phoned someone and soon pepper, Jane and Thor had arrived. Jane ran over and picked the grown puppy up. Blood spilling onto her shirt. We rushed to the vets and they immediately began surgery. At the end of it the injuries were: a pole through the lungs, 4 cracked ribs, 3 broken legs, a dislocated jaw and she would be blind. We made the choice to put her out of the misery. Except the vets wouldn't allow it as we weren't the owners. We sat in the waiting room. The dog on life support behind the wall next to us. Tony took out his phone and rung cap. Fear and sympathy laced Tony's words as he spoke to the phone, " so sorry. She's dying. Cassies dying. Some dickhead ran her over....
NO! None of us killed her. Please Loki. You can't let her suffer like this. We're at the vets come fast." At the end of the phone call he was talking to Loki. The pain he must be going through brought tears to our eyes again. Doesn't he deserve to be happy??? I thought to myself. Loki and cap ran through the door. This time Loki didn't hide his emotions. He collapsed against the door as the vet showed him Cassie. He fell to the floor and put his head in his knees. He kept repeating the words. "No. Please no. Wake up."  He thought it was a dream... or more like a nightmare. He had tears streaming down his face. The pale porcelain skin stood out on Loki's face. The tears marking a river across it. He managed to choke out three words before closing his eyes and banging his head against the wall. The vet looked at him sympathetically whilst doing her job.

The line went dead. "Rest in peace." We copied Loki's previous words. No one tried to stop Loki as he stormed outside. Steve watched him go, tears down his face as well. Before leaving after Loki, Steve wrapped his hands against the dogs neck and kissed its fur... a clip was sounded as he undid the collar. He held it in his hand tightly. Stroking the beads. "I'm sorry." The woman said, her red bun looked deprived of strength and hung low on her head. The latex gloves painted red with Cassie's blood. "Thank you." Steve said whilst leaving. As we followed, each of us gave the deceased dog a last glance. We hosted a funeral for Cassie as she part of our family. We had a grave for her and Loki had kept the collar with him since that horrid moment of her death. He had it clipped around his wrist. Even when he was in public he kept it on. Disgusted stares were sent his way wherever he went. Loki ignored them. He spent more time with the twins now. They were his second love of his life...after Steve. The twins still called him "mommy" as he technically was. Steve had told them not to ask where Cassie (pronounced kacy) was. They were smart and figured it out, surprisingly as their 3rd birthday hadn't even arrived yet.

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