Chapter 2(Edited)

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Akira is Kuroko's dog that he found on the streets like Nigou. He is a beautiful fox, yes a fox, and both Nigou and Akira get along very well. 


---------- Kuroko P.O.V ---------- 

It was a Saturday morning when my former manager of 'Kuro Suya' called which is me. "Hello, this is Kuroko Tetsuya speaking ". 

"Hello Tet-Chan it's your manager are you busy today?" "no, I'm not busy, what's up?" I asked politely. My manager responded  "well the director wanted to know if you and your siblings are free today so he asked me to call you " she answered. " Oh let me ask my siblings, please excuse me for a second ". I wonder what she wants to talk to us about "Okay". I knew that my 5 siblings were eating breakfast that I cooked since it was 9: 30 in the morning. I went back downstairs and to the living room. 

"Hey everyone are you free today because the manager is on the phone and wants to know if we are free today?!"I shouted across the room. My 5 siblings looked at each other and nodded " Yeah we're free " I nodded as a sign as of okay. " yeah we're free so what time should we meet up? " I asked, " Okay that's perfect so around 12:00 at the mall in front of the cafe okay? ". "Okay at the mall in front of the cafe bye see you in 3 hours" when his manager hung up the phone. " So what did she say Tet-nii " ??? asked, I turned around to look at my 5 siblings who just finished eating, breakfast. 

"she said to meet up at the mall in front of the cafe they have there," I said bluntly. " So in 3 hours then ?" a different voice asked, " Yeah in 3 hours so at 11:30 go get ready because after the meeting we are going shopping because I need clothes and so to the rest of you okay ?". " Hai!" all my siblings shouted at one. I smiled and went to the kitchen, to make myself a smoothie. I blended some spinach, bananas, and strawberries with coconut water. I wonder what my manager wants to speak to us about, it must be important, because she hasn't called me in a while. I left to the kitchen to go feed Nigou and Akira; I already showered and got ready for the day this morning, so all I am waiting for is my siblings. 

---------- Time skip ---------- 

" Hey Kuroko and the others how are you doing? " said a lady who had brown hair up into a ponytail with brown eyes who looked to be in her 30's. " We're fine so what's up? " I asked her " well the director wants to do more music with your group since it's been 1 year and a half " she answered. I was very surprised, out of everything, I didn't expect that. I turned to look at my siblings "what do you guys think do you want to do music again? ". They turned to look at each other before nodding their heads and shouting " HELL YEAH! WE WANT TO DO MUSIC AGAIN!!!! " they shouted excited but too loud. Oww! my poor ears, I turned to my-our manager chucking " Then that's a yes, "I said. 

" Yes it'll be fun to work with you again," the manager said very excitedly, Me and my siblings were like her own children. She stopped being our manager when our band broke up, which made her cry into her pillow every night. Don't ask how I know what, it's a secret "THE ROYAL 6'S ARE BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER !!!! " we all shout together.


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