Chapter 7(Edited)

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Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN KNB


-------- Thursday morning --------

Normal P.O.V 

It was 5:50 in the morning, and kuroko was awake. Kuroko was sitting up in his bed on his computer working on some assignments for school when his phone started to vibrate. Kuroko was checking his phone to see a message from Sara saying:

To: Kuroko Tetsuya

From: Sara Asuka

Hey, Tet-chan comes to pick me up at the airport at 3:45 in the afternoon, thanks!!!!!!!!! see you then!! 

Kuroko looked at the message and chucked '3:45 huh' he though. Kuroko was about to continue his assignment when his twin brother burst through his bedroom doors. "Tetsuya! Mother and Father want to talk to all of us at breakfast " Tetsuyu said " alright " Kuroko answered back. Tetsuyu left the room and kuroko started to get ready for school, so he walked to his master bathroom. Getting into the shower kuroko was remembering the time when his teammates asked him that he can sing. 

----- FlashBack ----- 

" yeah, kurokocchi/kuroko/Tetsu/Tetsuya/Kuro-chin can sing, you didn't know what?" my former teammates said looking proud that their teammate can sing. They already know my secret, so it's okay. I responded by saying "yeah ". What should I do what if they found out I'm actually Kuro Suya?. " Um yeah, I can sing," I said nervously " You don't have to them Tetsuya if it makes you uncomfortable," Sei-kun said. I took a deep breath before turning to my current team " Fine I'll tell you. I'm......"  started when the gym doors burst open. " TETSUYA!!!!!!! " my siblings shouted while running towards me. " Who are you? "  Hyuga senpai asked " we're Tetsuya's siblings " Tetsuyu answered. " You have siblings kuroko? " Kagami-kun asked me " yes this is Tetsuyu, Tetsuma, Terumi and Tetsuko their twins as well and Tetsuna" I introduced my siblings. " By the way Tetsuyu is my older twin if you can't tell," I said while having a blunt face.  " WHAT?! AND YOU NEVER TOLD US!?! " my team shouted at me. " I was going to tell you but we were always- "I was cut off by the gym doors opening yet again revealing our butler named Tiki ( A/N the name is stupid I know ) " young Masters your parents want you home know ".  "Okay we'll be there in a sec " Terumi replied " okay my siblings and I have to go see you on Thursday bye " my siblings and I was walking to the limo when I was pulled into a hug " see you tomorrow Tetsuya " sei-kun said giving me a kiss on the cheek before I left. In the car, Tetsuyu turned to look at me and said "you're teammates shout a lot" I laughed nodding my head "yeah I know its really annoying especially when they can't see me". 

----- End of FlashBack ----- 

---------- Kuroko's P.O.V -----------

I got ready and went downstairs to the family table where my brothers and sisters were sitting with my parents at both ends of the table. " We were waiting for you Tetsuya,"  my mother said " I'm sorry mother, father I was finishing schoolwork," I said bowing " its alright Tetsuya but don't let it happen again," my father said " hai ". " Okay, children your mother and I have some exciting news for you, " our father said while walking toward our mother helping her up " well-liked " my mother started looking at her husband.  " We're...... " 



Hope you like this chapter and waiting for what kuroko's parents have to say. 

See you next time

BYE BYE !!!!!!

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