Character Introduction(Edited)

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. Kuroko Tetsuyu: # 1 child

Hair: Teal

Eyes: Midnight

Age: 17 ( 5 minutes older than Tetsuya )

Gender: Male

Facts: Older twin to Tetsuya, the oldest son of the kuroko family and is the opposite of younger twin. He is bisexual. He and the rest of his siblings except his twin go to a different school. He is a third-year. Extremely smart and is single but has a crush.

Kuroko Tetsuya: # 2 child

Hair: Teal

Eyes: Teal

Age: 17 ( 5 minutes younger than Tetsuyu )

Gender: Male

Facts: has a twin, 2nd oldest son of the kuroko family, opposite of twin, also bisexual. He is a third-year. Extremely smart. Is in a relationship with Akashi and has been for 3-4 years.

. Kuroko Tetsuma: # 3 child

Hair: Silver ( medium length )

Eyes: Silver

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Facts: 3rd oldest daughter of the kuroko family, she is pansexual (it is when you love someone no matter the gender). She is also a third-year. Super smart, and is single.

. Kuroko Terumi: # 4 child

Hair: Baby blue ( Long )

Eyes: Baby blue

Age:16 ( 8 minutes older than Tetsuko )

Gender: Female

Facts: 4th oldest daughter of the kuroko family, younger twin to Tetsuko, she is straight. She is a second-year. Smart and single.

. Kuroko Tetsuko: #5 child

Hair: Navy ( short )

Eyes: Navy

Age: 16 ( 8 minutes younger than Terumi )

Gender: Male

Facts: 5th oldest son, older twin to Terumi. He is gay. He is also a second-year. Smart and is ready to start a relationship.

.Kuroko Tetsuna: # 6 child

Hair: Teal ( medium length )

Eyes: Teal

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Facts: baby of the family, she is bisexual. She is a second year. She is very smart for her age, just like all her siblings, and is single.

Females: Tetsuna, Terumi, Tetsuma

Males: Tetsuyu, Tetsuya, Tetsuko

The family are very open about their sexuality and support LGBTQ+. They also use their platform to spread equality (BLACK LIVES MATTER!) and help children, women, poor countries, and love to donate and help out homeless people, and charity. The Kuroko siblings are extremely smart, so it isn't surprising that they are going to graduate early.

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