Chapter 10 part 1(Edited)

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A/N kuroko can control his misdirection and Sara went shopping while the siblings are at the meeting with Shizuka 

---------- Normal P.O.V -----------

As the sibling got to the mall, Terumi told the driver " we'll call you when its time to pick us up ". The driver named Shizuma nodded his head then replied " Yes young master " and drove off. Walking to the cafe, they spotted Shizuka who was sipping coffee.  As they reached the table Shizuka was at, they took a sit. Some sat on the bench, while the girls sat in the chairs. " Good morning Shizuka how are you doing this morning? " Tetsuya and Tetsuyu greeted at the same time. " I'm doing good this morning, okay order something to eat or drink and we'll get down to business it's on me " Shizuka offered. One of the waitresses came over handing than a menu " Thank you " Kuroko greeted the waitress which was female blushed like crazy because of his looks " Y-you're w-welcome " she stuttered and walked away. As they were talking to each other, a waiter came over asking " would you like to place your order now ? ", kuroko replied, " yes, can we get 1 vanilla coffee,1 mocha, 1 hot chocolate, 1 caramel latte, 1 blueberry muffin, and peppermint cocoa please and thank you ". The waiter nodded his head and walked away " okay so the director wanted me to tell you what songs of your you'll play at the big party next week Friday " Shizuka said taking a bit of her oatmeal muffin. The teens just nodded their heads while Terumi asked, " how many songs are we going to perform? ". Shizuka answered, " since the party will be about 2-3 hours so about 5 songs." " What songs are we going to play? " Tetsuko asked " I don't know the director will tell you and Sunday " she answered truthfully. One again the sibling nodded their heads, while they were talking, the same waiter came to the table with their orders " Thank you so much " Tetsuna and the others said. Having their drinks and food the siblings and Shizuka talked about their life so far and what they were doing at their schools. While they were talking, Sara came back with 4 or 5 bags in her hands. " Good morning everyone " Sara greeted with a sweet voice " good morning Sara " everyone at the table greeted her while she settled down next to Kuroko. After 30 minutes, everyone bid their goodbyes and when to school 'cause it was now close to 10: 45 so they had to get to school. 

---------- Kuroko's P.O.V ----------

Getting to the gates of my school, I walked to the principles office along with Sara-chan, because she's going to start classes at my school. I did not have to use misdirection this time, cause everyone was at their classes. The reason behind it is because I'm famous in Japan and other countries along with my siblings I always get surrounded by fangirls asking for an autograph. Sometimes I forget to use my misdirection the girls and sometime's boys start to attack me but not physically. Reaching the principles office, I knocked on the door earning a ' come in '. Walking in with Sara, I greeted the principle which is a guy name Ayame Tobaki who has long brown hair with dark brown eyes. " Good Morning sir how are you? " I asked, reviving an answer " I'm doing good so who is this young lady may I ask ". " This is my childhood friend, I'll let her introduced herself " Kuroko stated while nodding his head towards her. " Hello my name is Sara Asuka, and I'm 16 years old and is in grade 10 " she introduces herself. As the principal nodded his head he introduced himself "it's nice to meet you, Sara, I'm Ayame Tobaki the principle of this school ".   Handing Sara 2 papers, Ayame spoke, " okay these 2 paper are for your parents or guardian to sign and the other paper is for you, its just questions about yourself to let us know more about you ". Nodding her head, she asked a question " okay, but what do I do now? " answering her question. The principal responded with a smile on his face " well for today, Tetsuya will show you around the school and go to his classes I already informed the teachers, so have fun and I'll see you later " he informed Sara and nodded his head towards me. Nodding our heads, we left the principles office. 

---------- Normal P.O.V ----------

As the duo left the principles office they talked to each other until they were in front of a door with a sign on the top that read ' English '. " So this is my English class " Kuroko informed his friend, while she nodded her head that had a big smile. Sara really loves English in fact it was her favourite class of the day. In her old school in America, she did great in her English class always getting Strat  ' A's ' in all of her assignments. Kuroko was lucky the reason for this is because he does not have to attend his classes because he is really smart. His family always said that he was like another Akashi. Kuroko's family and Akashi's family goes way back, and not just in business. As they spoke to each other, the door opened up revelling a female woman who looked to be in her early 30s. " Hello Tetsuya its good to see you " she greeted Kuroko. Responding to her greeting, Kuroko bowed down. " Class today we have a new visitor that will soon be a new student " the teacher informed her class. " Hello, my name is..... 



Hey, my cinnamon rolls sorry that it's so long and rushed. I'll see you in the next chapter BYE BYE!!!!!!! :3

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