Chapter 14(Edited)

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( A/N kuroko told the rest of the GOM what he was famous a day before Kagami found out. They are also older then Kuroko by a few months.) Also, Akashi is sleeping in his room in the mansion. They have a massive mansion with lots of rooms. 

Disclaimer: I don't own KNB   


Normal P.O.V 

It has been 2 days since Kuroko told Kagami his secret. Everything was fine, but for the entire 2 days Kuroko hasn't been talking much and it was starting to worry about everyone. But despite being quiet, Kuroko was meeting up with the director, manager and was practising the band's new song Angel with a Shotgun with his siblings, so he was very busy. It's now Monday and Seirin was having basketball practice, with the GOM  and their teams, when Kuroko's old teammates and Kagami noticed that he was spacing out a lot and it worried Akashi and the others.

Seeming that Kuroko was acting strange, Akashi and the rest of the GOM decided to visit Kuroko after practice. Akashi has been living at Kuroko's house, because if Akashi's father who wanted his son to stay at the house for a few weeks until he goes back to America for business which didn't bother Kuroko or Akashi. But today Akashi got to live in the kuroko mansion again, cause his father left for America early in the morning.

So once practice was over and Kuroko left, the GOM took Akashi's limo and went to Kuroko's house. In the limo, everyone was excited because they got to see kuroko's house for the very first time except for Akashi since he stays with kuroko.  " Yey, we get to see Kurokocchi's house for the very first time suu!! " Kise exclaim beaming with excitement. " Shut up nanodayo you're being too loud! " Midorima said pushing the frame of his glasses up. " You're so mean Midorimacchi," Kise said pouting. While Midorima and kise were arguing, Murasakibara spoke up " why do you think Kuro-chin is acting strangely for the last 2 days? ". Stopping the argument, Kise said " yeah he's been looking upset, plus quiet recently right Daikicchi? " he said looking at his boyfriend. Looking away Aomine answered with worry " yeah Tetsu is never this silent, and the last time he was upset was in middle school ". With that statement, everyone but Akashi looked away regretting what they said about the youngest until Akashi broke the tension by taking a deep sigh making everyone look towards his direction. Looking outside the window as well, Akashi spoke " Yeah, but we'll see what's going on when we reach his house so let's forget about the past since you all apologized after the winter-cup". The group just nodded their heads and stayed quiet until they reached Kuroko's house. 

After about 20 minutes, the GOM finally reached Kuroko's house. Getting out of the limo, everyone was in shock but Akashi like usual, because he already knew about Kuroko being famous. " THIS IS WHERE KUROKO/KURO-CHIN/KUROKOCCHI/TETSU LIVES ITS A FREAKING MANSION?!?! " Aomine, Kise, Midorima, Murasakibara thought. Akashi who looked over at the rest smirking at their reactions which let's be real here was funny as hell. " Alright let's go inside and close your mouth before you catch flies " and with that statement, they shut their mouths and followed Akashi. Opening the front doors to the mansion, the GOM was greeted by 2 maids along with 2 butlers " Welcome back Akashi-sama and friends would you like anything? " the 2 maids asked politely. " Its good to see you guys again after so long of being away from this lovely mansion " Akashi replied and smiled at the two. " We don't need anything right now so its okay " Akashi continued. The two maids along with one of the butlers left leaving the GOM along with Akashi who turned towards the remaining butler whose name was Takuma Akashi's and Kuroko's most trusted butler. " Takuma can you please inform Tetsuya that I'm here along with the rest that we hear" " Yes Seijiuro-sama I'll inform young master; in the meantime please take a sit in the living room while I get him " Takuma bowed and left. 

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