Chapter 4(Edited)

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---------- Normal P.O.V ----------

It was the morning of the first day of the week Monday, ah Monday the day we all hate. Kuroko was walking to his first period of the day when he felt something heavy going around his shoulders. " Kagami-kun can you please get your hand off my shoulders," kuroko said bluntly he disliked it when people put their hand on his head or shoulders.  "Not even a good morning kuroko how to mean " Kagami taunted. " Did you study for the chemistry test we have in 2nd period?" kuroko asked knowing his light didn't study at all " oh shit we have a test today and you didn't tell me!!! kuroko! " Kagami shouted. " I told you yesterday after school and sent you a message telling you he had a test " kuroko informed him. The duo argued at each other until they reached class. 

------ Time skip ------ 

When Kagami and kuroko reached basketball practice a little late their coach smacked their heads with a paper fan shouting "BAKAGAMI WHY ARE YOU LATE TO PRACTICE!?". Kagami started to sweat, looking around to try to find his shadow to help him out, who wasn't there" I'm sorry coach the teacher was holding me and kuroko back after class to talk about useless crap!" Kagami tried to defend himself. "Bakagami I can't tell if you're telling the truth or not" Riko replied. "Kagami-kun is telling the truth coach, the teacher did hold us back " kuroko replied who stood right next to the two. Both Kagami and Riko jumped back when Kuroko appeared right next to them out of nowhere. 

 "Ahhh! Kuroko don't scare us like that!" the whole team complained while Kuroko sweatdropped while having a blank face on. "Kuroko you bastard don't scare me like that! " Kagami shouted to his shadow next to coach Riko. "Alright enough I believe you kuroko-kun, but please don't come late next time, " Riko said, "hai" kuroko replied. "Okay, 1st years vs 2nd years first to get to 100 points wins and later we'll play with some guests!" coach Riko shouted to her team "what are you all doing standing you go and do a practice match now!! " Riko shouted angry "YES, MA'AM !" the team replied.

------- Time skip -------

The practice match ended with the 1st year winning by 100-87 points. "Alright go and take a water break and after getting ready to play against our gues- " Riko started but was cut off. The gym doors burst open with a  certain yellow hair model shouting while running "KUROKOCCHI!" kise shouted running to hug kuroko when suddenly he tripped over his shoelace. "Tch serves you right baka for shouting" Aomine replied while yawing with his hand in his pockets. "My luck item today is an umbrella nanodayo" Midorima the carrot man said. "Aka-chin I ran out of snacks do you have anything to give me" Murasakibara complained "no I don't" Akashi replied. "What is the Generation of Miracles doing here?" the team said. 

"Surprise! your playing against the GOM today" Riko said excitedly. "Hello Seirin," Akashi said ' SEI-KUN! ' kuroko shouted running to hug Akashi. " Hello, my love how are you?" Akashi asked hugging his boyfriend back. Yes, Akashi and kuroko are dating each other and for 3 years now. " Hello, Kurokocchi/Tetsu/Kuroko/Kuro-chin/Tetsuya " the rest of the group greeted kuroko. " Domo minna "kuroko replied while still hugging his boyfriend who so happened to be Akashi (A/N  everyone already knows that they were a couple and yes Akakuro here).  "Okay enough with the greetings Seirin vs Gom first one to get to 100 points wins, " Riko said.



SORRY, I HAVEN'T UPDATED FOR A WEEK. I was busy with school and upcoming projects.

Hope you like this story. 

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