A very late Tag

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Sorry I haven't updated the story or uploaded the tag, but here it is. But instead of a regular tag, I'm going to do it differently. I'm just doing to write 10 things about myself, and I'm too lazy the tag anyone else so sorry.


1. I'm a girl
2. I'm a yaoi freak 😂
3. I'm now in grade 9. 😢 it's so hard!!
4. I have siblings. One older brother, two sisters one 2 years older than me, and one little sister who is 10 months younger than me.

5. I turned 15 in August
6. I live in the Caribbean
7. I'm sadly not dating anyone
8. I'm bisexual
9. I'm totally fine with gay/lesbian couples. I find them cute.
10. I have a messed up background.
*whispers quietly* and messed up parents. 😅😅

And that is 10 facts about me. I hope this chapter wasn't boring and if it was, then I'm working on the next chapter and I'll upload it in a week time. See you guys next time! 😀😀👍👍❤❤❤

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