Chapter 5(Edited)

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Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN KNB


Normal P.O.V


It was the GOM's win. Kuroko was by the benches drinking water from his bottle when he saw his phone vibrating in his school bag. " Hello Kuroko Tetsuya speaking " kuroko spoke " Tet-chan guess who? " the said person asked. " Um Sara-chan? " kuroko responded " how did you know it was me!? " Kuroko chuckled before saying " because you always have a high pitched voice when you are excited or have news for me. So what's up? " he asked, " Oh I'm coming back to Japan on Thursday, so are you able to come and pick me up at the airport? ".  As they had their conversation, little did Kuroko know some people were watching them with a questioning expression. Unknown to kuroko, Akashi was no pleased at all and was admitting a dark aura. 

---------- Kuroko's P.O.V ---------- 

 Sara Asuka she's my childhood friend. She's 17 years old and has long brown hair with the ends red and has brown eyes. " Yes, sure I'll come to pick you up, what time? " I asked her "I'll text you the information with the time and the name of the airport later in the afternoon". " Okay I'll talk to you later it was good talking to you after 10 years see you on Thursday bye" I responded back " bye Tet-chan".  As I ended the call my teammates and GOM asked me " who was that you were talking to? " they demanded especially Sei-kun. I sighed " the person I was talking to was one of my childhood friends named Sara Asuka she asked if I could pick her up on Thursday. " I answered them truthfully just then I was pulled into a hug from the back of me. " Thank goodness I thought you were cheating on me for a second or, two," Sei-kun said taking a deep breath. " Why would i cheat on you? We have been dating each other for almost 4 years now, and you will always be the only person I love " I asked my lover.  Sei-kun is so cute when he is jealous! He answered me by turning my head and giving me a passionate kiss on the lips. We kissed for a few minutes when we heard a fake cough coming from Midorima- kun " please save the kissing for the bedroom " he asked us while blushing lightly. We broke the kiss to get some air " sei-kun please stop giving me surprise kisses, especially in public " I said blushing. 

He chuckled " but you know you like it," he said while tilting my chin upwards. " hmm sei-kun save it for the bedroom," I said looking away. " OKAY EVERYONE THAT'S ENOUGH!! " coach shouted we stopped and looked at her. " Anyways kuroko-kun we didn't know you can sing so well," she said I paled at what she said. Oh no I thought " yeah, kurokocchi/kuroko/Tetsu/Tetsuya/Kuro-chin can sing, you didn't know what?" my former teammates said looking proud that their teammate can sing. They already know my secret, so it's okay.  I responded by saying "yeah ". What should I do what if they found out I'm actually Kuro Suya?. " Um yeah, I can sing" I said nervously " You don't have to them Tetsuya if it makes you uncomfortable," Sei-kun said. I took a deep breath before turning to my current team " Fine I'll tell you. I'm......" 



hey, guys, I hope you like this new chapter. I'm thinking of writing a new story when kuroko gets betrayed. that all I'm saying Bye-bye :3   

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