Chapter 6(Edited)

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Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN KNB

--------- Kuroko's P.O.V -------- 

It was the morning of Wednesday. The day where my band ' The Royal 6's ' first song is recorded and published. Its been a few years since our last song was published. My siblings and I had to get to the music studios at 10:45 in the morning. Right now it was 9:50 and the studios are 30 minutes away from school and our mansion. " TETSUYU! HURRY UP AND GET READY!!!! " I shouted toward my older twin brother. " I'M COMING HOLD YOUR HORSES!! " Tetsuyu screamed back " well my horses are almost loose!." After 5 minutes Suyu (nickname) finally came down from his room. " Finally you're done, now get to the car," I said annoyed because my other 4 siblings were already in the car waiting for him get down " yeah yeah I'm going " Tetsuyu replied. after 30 minutes we finally got there, and if you're wondering my siblings and I called the school and told them that we are going to be absent. " Wow, nothing changed, " Tetsuko said, " come on we need to get to the director " Tetsuma answered. When we got there the director was sitting in his chair playing the piano. " Kuro-san we're here," I said. 

---------- Normal P.O.V ----------

" Oh, I've been waiting for you to come, " the director said. " How's it been Kuro-kun? " Terumi asked politely. " Polite as ever I see, anyway I'm doing great " Kuro Shiki. "Let's get down to business so today I want to guys to sing the song I've been writing named 'Angel with a Shotgun'". 

 "That sounds like a good song," Tetsuma said, "so when do we sing this?" Tetsuyu asked, "well I want you guys to memorize this song," Kuro said. "We'll record the song on Sunday, and film the video next week Wednesday, is that okay with you?" the director asked while looking at the group in front of him. The Royal 6's looked at each other's eyes having a silent conversation to themself. Nodding at each other Tetsuya answered, " that fine with us, what time is the recording on Sunday and the filming of the video?". The director thought for a moment and answered " on Sunday the time you should come at is 12:00 in the afternoon, and on Wednesday the time is 8:00 in the morning I'll talk to your principle okay?" the director asked the group they nodded their heads in return as a sign for 'yes'.  After the conversation, the director announced that they'll have a huge party to celebrate their return. The conversation went on for about 1 hour planning the place, time, when the party should happen and the day. They talked about the food they should serve and they also planned to have a little concert to celebrate their return by playing their new song.  The conversation ended around 2:05 in the afternoon and the group bid their goodbyes.



I hope you like this chapter. Bye Bye :3

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