Chapter 8(Edited)

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---------- Thursday morning ----------

Kuroko was on his way to school, still thinking of his parent's announcement during the family breakfast. Kuroko was in deep thought when he didn't notice his driver calling his name. " Young master, young master we arrived at your school " shaking his head, he responded " sorry Takuma I was in deep thought anyway thank your Takuma, please pick me up at 1:45 and tell my parents to call my principal and teacher saying that I have to leave school early. " Takuma answered by saying " yes young master I'll tell your parents, have a great day at school ", " thank you Takuma see you later " kuroko responded. After kuroko told his driver/ butler what he had to say, he left for class. ( A/N kuroko does not walk to school with Kagami ) When the limo left, kuroko bumped into someone, because of the news this morning.

---------- Kuroko's P.O.V ----------

I was so in deep thought, that I didn't notice I bumped into Kagami-kun. " Oi you okay kuroko? " Kagami-kun asked me with worry swelling in his eyes. " I'm fine Kagami-kun just in deep thought that's all" I assured him, " deep thought? that's rare for you". I nodded my head, I'm still shocked by the news my parents announced to me and my siblings when all of a sudden the school bell rang. "Let's go to class Kagami-kun before the teacher gives us a lecture, well manly you since she can't see me," I said walking to class in a hurrying pasted " oi kuroko wait for me " Kagami-kun shouted behind me. When we got to class the teacher didn't even notice me which was good because I was spacing out again.

The school day went on until 1:45 when I got picked too so to the airport to pick up Sara. I'm leaving 2 hours earlier because the airport she's getting off is 2 hours away. After 2 hours of driving Sara-chan texted me saying:

To: Kuroko Tetsuya

From: Sara Asuka

Tet-chan where are you?! my plane arrived in Japan 1 hour earlier than the original dating time.

Seriously! Sara-chan is going to get mad at me more if I don't hurry up. As I walked in a hurry pasted, I spotted Sara on her phone playing something. Since she was distracted, I sneaked behind her. As I got behind her, I placed my chin on her shoulder while saying " what you doing!? ". Sara's reaction was priceless! " ahhhhhhh! Tet-chan don't do that!!!!!!!!! " she shouted in my ear. " Oww Sara not in my ear! " I shouted back while rubbing my ears. " Sorry Tet-chan, but I'm so happy to see you after years of being in America!" She said while hugging me "it's good to see you again, you'll be staying with me for now " I responded. Getting into the limo, my phone when off " hello Kuroko Tetsuya speaking ". " Tetsuya where are you? " Sei-kun asked. " Oh, I'm at the airport picking my friend up, why?" I asked curiously "because its 4:05 in the afternoon and we have practice. " sorry Sei-kun but I can't come to practice today, because it takes 2 hours to get back to Tokyo, but I'll see you at home around 6:05 ". I hope my boyfriend wouldn't get mad for some reason or be jealous because I'm with a girl. " alright I'll see you later on, but be prepared cause I have a surprise for you " sei-kun said ending the call knowing I'll blush like crazy. " who was that Tet-chan? " Sara-chan asked me " that was just Sei-kun " I answered back " your boyfriend? " she asked " yeah " I responded as the car drove off.

---------- Normal P.O.V ----------

After 2 hours Kuroko reached his mansion while carrying his childhood friend since she was sleeping. " Takuma can you please bring Sara-chan's luggage, " Kuroko asked walking into the mansion. " Yes young master " walking into the mansion, Kuroko placed Sara on to the bed in the guest's room, while Takuma brought in her luggage. After setting his childhood friend in the room, kuroko walked into his and Akashi's bedroom only to walk into Akashi's strong arms. " Sei-kun I have news for you, its exciting news by the way " kuroko stated " well what's the news? " Akashi asked " I'm having 2 new siblings! " kuroko said looking excited " congratulations Tetsuya " Akashi responded. " Also my parents went to America for business and for the twins " kuroko informed his boyfriend. " Thanks for telling me, okay let's take a shower together and then go to bed," Akashi said while kissing kuroko's cheek " alright " kuroko answered getting out of Akashi's arms and headed into the bathroom while Akashi followed behind. As the couple took a shower and headed to bed kuroko forgot the surprise, while Akashi, on the other hand, didn't forget. Oh, sweet kuroko had no idea what he was in for tomorrow after they get home from practice. 


This chapter I had to edit because Wattpad deleted the ending part to this chapter, but I'll write chapter 9 and publish it by the 17th. Yes, people, Kuroko is getting two new brothers or sisters, and if 6 children aren't enough. 


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