Chapter 13(Edited)

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Normal P.O.V 

As the Kuroko brothers along with Kagami walked into another room, they were greeted with the rest of the siblings. Who were scattered around the huge room which was a gaming room, with an Xbox, pool table, poker table, etc. which also included a vending machine.  Walking through the gaming door, Tetsuna spoke up, " Hey your back, wait where's Tet-chan? ". Looking down Tetsuko replied " his... in his room calming down " noticing the sadness, she said, " he sang THAT song? ". This time it was Tetsuyu who answered " yeah, but he asked if we can show Kagami over here around the mansion and to also get to know each other better ". Now the other sibling who stopped what they were doing just nodded their heads understanding the situation. 

As all 5 siblings along with Kagami walked out of the room to go to the basketball ground that was at the back of the house. They all agreed anyways so. Walking to the court, Kagami asked, " so I want to know... why does Kuroko get so emotional when singing One More Time? ". Terumi answered, " well Suya first wrote that song, because of how he felt after quitting basketball and leaving Teiko ". This time Tetsuma continued " its a long story, but it all started- " 

* Flashback ( in Teiko ) *

Kuroko's P.O.V 

I was walking to the gym a little late because I had to stay for some random things. Reaching to the gym doors, I stopped to hear my teammates talking about me. The first voice I hear was Aomine-kun my light " I think we should kick kuroko out of the team like I mean he's useless now and I bet that ever that moron Kise can copy all his passes ". Kuroko? he always calls me Tetsu did he lose faith in me or stopped being my friend? I thought feeling bitter while clutching my shirt where my heart was located. "Yeah I agree with Aominecchi Kuroko is so useless I can't even believe that he was my mentor," Kise-kun said. After hearing that, I covered my mouth with my hand to stop me from crying. I loved having Kise-kun as my student even if he was annoying as hell I still had fun. The next thing I heard was every one of my ' friends' agreeing until I heard a yell. I looked over to see Sei-kun, shouting " WHAT THE FUCK!!!! I LEFT FOR 10 MINUTES AND COME BACK TO HEAR YOU ALL SAY HURTFUL THINGS ABOUT MY TETSUYA!!!! THAT'S IT I HEAR BY ANNOUNCE THAT THE TEIKO BASKETBALL TEAM IS DISBANDED!! ". I was shocked even if Sei-kun was my boyfriend, I thought that he would agree with them. Hearing that the Teiko basketball club was disbanded everyone in the gym started to shout at Sei-kun about how it wasn't fair or why are you defending that poor loser who wouldn't have come here, and saying that I should die. I couldn't hold it in anymore and started to cry not caring if everyone hears me. It hurts so much why did this have to happen especially on my birthday. Hearing my cry I saw everyone in the gym stiffen. Especially Sei-kun who looked over and running to my aid. " I can't believe you all would do this especially on Tetsuya's birthday you're such bad friends ". I felt warm arms picking me up bridal style bring me closer to his chest. " Sei-kun why? why did this have to happen? " I asked in a soft voice. " Shh It's alright Tetsuya everything is going to be fine " he assured me and started to walk out of the gym ignoring the others. And with that, I cried harder into his chest. About 20 minutes later Sei-kun brought me home, where I thanked him and ran to my room ignoring my sibling who looked worried. A few later, my siblings were outside my room that I shared with Tetsuyu, hearing me cry my heart out. A little later they couldn't stand me crying and decided to come into my room and comfort me even if they didn't know why I was crying. 

Calming my self down, I excused my self to go to the bathroom. I brought a pencil and paper along with me. I sat on my sofa that was right between my double sinks and started writing. Walking out of the bathroom I placed the pencil on my desk and left my room bringing my paper. Walking downstairs I walked to the piano and started playing while singing. As I was singing my heart out I didn't see my sibling looking at me with sorrowful eyes. After I was finished, I placed my head on the piano and started to cry more. My sibling all ran to me and started to comfort and hug me saying that everything will be alright of saying that we were here for you. 

* End of Flashback * 

Kagami's P.O.V 

After hearing the story I was shocked. I can't believe the GOM except for Akashi. How could they hurt kuroko like that? He's so nice. I was pissed no words could describe how I felt right now. " Taiga-kun it's alright to be mad, but I would say to not mention this around the other GOM and especially Tetsuya okay? " Tetsuna asked. I nodded my head understanding their wishes, but I was still annoyed at them. After showing me the house and playing basketball, we walked back to the house only to hear the piano playing and someone singing. Looking to see who it was, which was Kuroko of course. When he is singing, his voice is so relaxing but this time it held sadness. While he sang I noticed that it was Demons by Imaginary Dragons. 

Normal P.O.V 

As Kuroko stopped playing and singing, everyone in the mansion clapped their hands. Turning around, Kuroko only started to cry once again, but who could blame him. The sibling along with Kagami ran to kuroko and started to hug him saying sweet words to calm him down especially Tetsuyu who hated to see his twin like that. Calming down Kuroko drifted to sleep, while Sara walked into the house with a confused face. Turning around, Kagami mouthed " I'll tell you later tomorrow ". And with that everyone went to get ready to bed while Tetsuyu brought Kuroko to his room by carrying his bridal style. Tucking Kuroko to bed, Tetsuyu felt tired and decided to just sleep in the same bed as Kuroko. But first kissing Kuroko's forehead before sleeping. 


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