Chapter 3

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Finally the thrid chapter is here... This chapter is really long so prepare yourself to read it. And enjoy the susprises waiting for you ;) (The story continue after Bright's engagement party)

The song's I miss you so much by Kyla (Originally by TLC)


Two days later

After Arthit left the engagement party, he went straight back in the Rojnapat's resident. He sat the whole night on the bed and thought about his past life. The question why he came back for, crossed his mind. The second question why he expected Kongpob to be still single, didn't let him rest the whole night either. The last two days weren't easy for him. He couldn't sleep peacefully, ignored P'Seung Il since he made him furios as he suddenly kissed. His friends called Arthit to ask about his wellbeing but he refused to take their calls. Bright felt offended that he left his engagement party without giving him a reason why he had to leave suddenly.

Because Arthit refused to pick up their calls, Knot and the other visited him to confront him. Instead of telling them the reason why he left so suddenly, he told them that he felt betrayed by them. Clearly they knew about N'Kongpob having a child with her but they didn't warn him about it beforehand. Ai'Prem apologized and told him that they didn't want him to find out about it in Korea because they were afraid he wouldn't come back to Thailand if he knew about that secret. They didn't knew that N'Kong would bring his child to the party since they wanted him to find out about the kid from them. When he wanted to know why they invited his former fiance too, Ai'Bright snaped out, asking him if it mattered that their junior from universtity had a kid with another woman or not. He told him that they broke up 3 years ago so it shouldn't concern himself about N'Kong anymore. To see his joker of friend telling him the truth he didn't want to listen to, made Arthit snap out from his self-pity. He decided to not dwell on the past anymore but should move on.

Now he decided to lead his life just like he wanted it to be. Today he went with P'Seung Il to Bangkok, showing him most of the sightseeings in Thailand since the older man wished to see many things before he returned to South Korea. They were strolling around in Siam Center. P'Seung Il bought some souvenirs for his family and friends in South Korea, the younger man only brought some ingredients for his Mae. Actually he wanted to buy a gift for Ai'Bright and Kantarn's wedding but he decided to wait for it since it was early to buy it now. Each one of them were holding two shopping bags, taking the direction to the entrance to leave for home.

Arthit and Seung Il laughed at the joke the taller man just made about his first experience with a dead man's corps. They looked at each other, Arthit bursted in laughter, he couldn't hold it in since the taller man was clumsy in his internship as he let the heart of the corps fall to the ground. Arthit laughed happily, showing the dimples Seung Il wanted to see again. The first and last time he saw him smile brightly and showing his sweet dimples was 3 years ago when he survived the disease. It was the first time Seung Il's heart felt skipped a beat for a man. Ever since he would secretly call Arthit the bright sun that could calm down every man.

A smile cracked at Seung Il's lips. All the sudden warm hands wrapped around Arthit's legs from behind. With the smile still on his lips, Arthit froze on the spot, slowly looking behind to see the person. It was a little boy, smiling brightly at him, his arms still strongly wrapping around the shorter man. What's his name called again? Right, Sun. He's Kongpob's son.

„Mommy...", Sun called him, a smile conjured on his face.

„Sun?", another loud voice echoed through the shopping Center.

That voice! Arthit recognized the voice he would never be able to forget. He adverted his eyes from the small boy to the person shouting the boy's name. Like he expected it was Kongpob behind them, the latter seemed agitated for an unknown reason. Somehow he was desperately looking for someone. Kongpob looked around, finally found his son that escaped his grip. The little child was holding onto his mother, Arthit. Both Arthit and Kongpob stared at each other, let silence surround them till the boy broke the silence by calling to his daddy. Now the taller man understood why Sun ran away from him. He saw Arthit and ran to him.

SOTUS: Even in the past, present and future, I'll still love you 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now