Chapter 10

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I have to apologize that I have to put this story on hold but I didn't have time to write 3 stories at the same time... I'll try to pick this story again but the update will be slow till I have time again :( Enjoy the new update :D (Don't be too much disappointed with this chapter)

The song is If it is you by Jung Seung Hwan (Another miss Oh OST) The song is from P'Net and Arthit's side ;)


Today, a big commotion broke out in cell number 211 in the night, cellmate A had to literally scream for help because of cellmate B, a suicidal inmate, injured his neck with a sharp razor he hide under this tongue the whole day to not had the guard notice about it. There was too much blood on the ground, the colour red so visible even though the room was covered in darkness. The guards were shocked by the pool of blood they saw when they entered the cell, they had to carry the injured man in the patient's room to take care properly of his wounds. The grave injuries the inmate inflicted on himself was too big for the inexperienced young doctor's assistant who had night duty today. He managed to staunch the bleeding, bandaged the wound and gave him an infusion but because of the patient's bad condition, he decided to call the paramedics to take him to the nearest hospital to get his wound treated there. Patient B was unconscious, his skin so pale like never before because of the heavy blood lost.

It took ten minutes for two paramedics to arrive, meanwhile two experienced guards had to prepare themselves, wearing each a teaser and a weapon around their waist since they had to accompany the patient and the paramedics to the hospital for safety's matter. The weapon was to be used in emergency, in case something unexpected happened on the way to the hospital. With the help of the guards, the elder and young paramedics brought the unconscious iman in the ambulance, placing the infusion on a I.V. pole. While the elder paramedic had to the drive, the younger one was told to give the patient oxygen since the latter's breath was too shallow. The two guards were sitting on the bench of the ambulance, their hands close to the weapon in their weapon's holder that was attached to their wrist like a belt. Everything should go well like in the training but there was something wrong. The younger paramedic wavered to wear the oxygen maske on inmate B's nose to give him proper air. Maybe he was too insecure. Maybe he was too scared to treat an inmate who seemed dangerous to him.

After struggling for a few minutes, he managed to lay the oxygen maske properly, pressing on the bag to pumo more osygen in the latter's lungs. When the ambulance bent in a corner, the younger man took the oxygen bottle, suddenly hitting it on the head of the next guard beside him. The second guard was flabbergasted at first but when grasping the situation, he wanted to grab at his teaser but the patient suddenly raised, hitting him on his the neck. Within a few seconds, both strong guards were laying unconscious on the ground, their head bleeding from the heavy blow on their head.

The elder paramedic could only hear two bumping sounds from his seat, calling his colleague to brief him on the situation but as the latter remained quiet, he parked the car aside, exiting the car and walking over to them only to realize that he did a mistake by leaving for outside. The door of the ambulance was open, two men laying on the ground, the two other young men stealing from the unconscious ones. The elder man's eye widened in shock, he raised his arms to surrender as he finally grasped the situation. It was a prison break, just like it happened in his favourite series he saw few years ago about dangerous inmates breaking out of prison and receiving help from outside. However this inmate received some help from outside too, surely the younger paramedic wasn't even a paramedic but maybe stole his colleague's identity who he hide somewhere after hitting him unconscious.

The inmate stole the guard's outfit to disguise himself as a guard, meanwhile the fake young paramedic allowed his fellow to escape but never look back neither tell the police about them. The moment the elder man took his run, the younger paramedic took the teaser, shot it after him. The man was hit by electric shock, trying to fight against the light electric shock but he fell down to the ground, laying there motionless. Both took the guns also the teasers from the guards' belt, exiting the ambulance, making sure that they hide the ambulance somewhere in the forest so it would not be discovered soon. Each one of them have a cellphone to stay in contact during their seperation. They needed to be able to contact each other if they wanted the plan to work without delay nor problems.

SOTUS: Even in the past, present and future, I'll still love you 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now