Chapter 16 Part 2

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So this is part two with the expected end ;) I'm really sad that my first story ever on Wattpad is ending today but I hope you still enjoy it

The song is Way back Home by SHAUN (What a beautiful and meaningful song and hot singer, no wonder it's auf number 1 *.*)

There is a 18+ scene at the end of the chapter so be aware ;)


Kongpob looked at the watch around his wrist, wondering about the persistent person who was ringing the bell at the door since two minutes from now. It was already ten p.m at night before he took the stairs down in the corrdor to the main entrance, hoping that the person had a very good reason to visit him now instead of waiting with the visit till tomorrow morning. To his surprise, he found an agitated and slightly worried P'Bright standing in front of him. His eyes narrowned the older man clearlier, P'Bright was sweating and panting heavily as if he just did a marathon to here. It was the first time he saw his joker of Phee so nervous.

„P'Bright...", he mumbled in surprise, didn't expect the now married man who should be in the flight for his honeymoon in front of him.

Bright interrupted before the younger man came to an end. „What did you do?", it was the only question swirling in his mind right now. Actually he was fumming, his rage towards his junior raised the longer he had to stare on his face. Somehow he didn't care that it was already night time and he was disturbing him during the resting hours.

Kongpob raised an eyebrown, couldn't understand the reason why he came the long way here only to ask him this simple question. He wondered why his senior had so much hatred filled in his eyes. „What did I do?"

„He's leaving... Ai'Arthit is leaving for good...", finally the truth came out.

The younger one's eyes widened in shock that he felt strong headache for reacting so extrem to his senior's confession. His heart beat so fast that it almost exploded in his chest. „What... What...", he stuttered, the words were stuck in his throat. He felt a sharp sting in his heart, the uncertaintiny raising due to him knowing nothing about the situation and Arthit's whereabout. „What do you mean that he left?", now he could form a normal question after forcing himself to calm down a little bit.

The older man brought his cellphone out of his pocket, tipped something through the message box to search for a message he received two hours ago. He hold the phone up to Kong's face only an inch away fom the younger man's eyes. Because Bright literally shoved the cellphone into Kongpob's face and the light of the screen disturbed his eyes, the latter had to back away a little bit to read the content of the message.

He read it without giving a sound, „He'll be angry if he found out that I told you about it but I can't keep it a secret anymore. Ai'Arthit is leaving Thailand for South Korea... And this time, he won't come back again...". Kong's ground seemed to shake and crumble under him as if he would fall in a deep hole down to hell where he would suffer and perish forever. He gazed at the screen, his eyes blinking many times while reading the message again. He repeated the words P'Knott left for P'Bright, „He... P'Arthit is leaving me behind again?", the shock was too profound to assimilate the news. He knew that he hurted him badly by running away and breaking up with him as he needed him the most but he didn't expect him to choose to leave everyone behind. His parents... His friends... Sun... and Him! His heart was restless now, thumping nonstop. His hand clenched at his chest to calm down but it didn't help anyway.

„What did you do, N'Kongpob", Bright was mad, disappointed and losing his mind. That Arthit was leaving, shouldn't be the result he expected after plotting with his friends to bring him back to Thailand. He even had to postpone his wedding sooner to force that bastard of friend back. Now that he almost succeeded with his plan, he found out that Arthit intended to escape again. His friend wouldn't choose this stupid decision by himself if everything was fine between Kongpob and him, meaning that their idiot of junior did something to him again. Ai'Arthit's decision only resolved around Kongpob. If it wasn't for Kongpob then he would never want to disappear out of his Sun's life. „Did you guys have a fight that you couldn't resolve? Is that the reason why he's leaving?"

SOTUS: Even in the past, present and future, I'll still love you 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now