Chapter 9

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Finally an update and a shorter chapter :D It's not much but I hope you'll like it.

The song's I love you boy by Bae Suzy (While you were sleeping OST)


On Saturday early in the morning, Arthit and Kongpob decided to spent the weekend on the Phuket beachside just like Arthit planed a week ago. Actually the reason for the brief holiday was for the taller man to spare more time with Sun he neglected in the past few weeks. They finally arrived at the seaside few minute ago, loaded off their luggages in the double bedroom they rent for their accommodation. Sun slept trhough the entire drive and didn't even woke up as they arrived there so Arthit just put him down on one of the double bed to take a break too. He just settled down on the comfortable sofa, heaving a sight of relief that he could finally take a break.

Everybody knew that Arthit wasn't a morning person but since they had to leave early today, he had to wake up as first to take care of their breakfast then pack the luggages together with Kongpob. Now he was relieved to take a little break. Before he could make himself a drink to appease his thirst, Sun talked in his sleep and ended up to wake up due to Kongpob making loud noises when packing their stuffs out of the luggages. The boy stared at Kong, remained silent for a whole minute. Apparantly he seemed confused that they were in their car just a minute ago but were suddenly in a hotel. How did daddy do that? Maybe we fly here like superman? Sun was looking for a reasonable reason how they could arrive here in a minute. Silly boy! Or maybe innocent boy? He was too young to realize that he missed the whole trip because he begon to sleep as soon as they left their house. However he immediately asked for his mother as he looked around and didn't find him anywhere.

Arthit, upon hearing Sun calling him, drank a sip from the cold water, sighing exhausted. He walked back in the bedroom, standing in front of the door. Somehow he couldn't hold back the anger residing in him, glaring at the taller man, expressing how angry he was at him for waking Sun up. He went to Kongpob. The younger man realized the anger raising in his Phee's eyes, his angry look warning him he should be careful if he didn't want to get killed.

„I'm going to kill you...", he threatened Kongpob through gritted teeth, his voice so faint that the little boy wouldn't hear him cursing his daddy. He pretended to rub on Kongpob's arm but was secretly pinching him there, „Do you have the slighest idea how hard it is to take care of a child?". He averted his gaze to Sun, smiling at him while still gritting his teeth, „And you just woke him up... You ruined my plan to relaxe for a bit..."

Kongpob could only apologize during the whole attack on him even though he was secretly enjoying the little play between Arthit and him. Somehow he was surprised at himself that he didn't feel any pain but pleased when Arthit pinched him, trying to hurt him. Strange! Maybe waiting for Arthit in those 3 years turned me into a masochist?

Since Sun woke up anyway and refused to lay down again, they decided to leave for the beach while it wasn't still crowded. It would be filled with many visitors from noon on so they have to be there to find a place to lay down before it get crowded. They changed into comfortable clothes for the beach, wearing short pants and sleeveless Shirt. With Sun standing between them, holding their hands, they walked to the beach.

Kongpob searched for a better place in the middle for them, it wasn't so close nor far away from the sea. Sun begon playing with the sands, building a sand castle with his daddy's help. Meanwhile Arthit remained sitted on the blanked they laid down on the sands, watching father and son playing to his heart content. As soon as Kongpob was showing the boy how to build a sand castle, the younger man's phone kept ringing, earning a side look from the shorter man. Arthit grunted at him, feeling slighty disappointed at him for breaking their promise. Before they left their house, Kong promised him not to bring anything from work with them but he still dared to let his phone on, disturbing their peaceful holiday. Kong apologized to him for picking up the phone but he had to take the call since it was from his father. After promising the shorter man to end the call in a minute, he went aside to take the phone, talking with his father who wanted him to come to the office and work on an important file with him.

SOTUS: Even in the past, present and future, I'll still love you 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now