Chapter 4

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Enjoy the next chapter of this story. But before reading it, see the teaser of Sotus S the series. I'm sure that everyone watched it already but watch it again :D Just so glad to see if after checking it everyday. Arthit look so cute and Kongpob with his cheesy line *.* I'm going to melt now

The song's Still falling for you by Ellie Goulding

The story continue with Arthit finding out that Dalika died and they were celebrating her memorial :)


Arthit let Sun down at the ground Sun beside him. His eyes were fixed at the black and white picture of Dalika. The only conclusion he could come to after thinking for awhile, was that Dalika died and they were holding a memorial for her. What actually happened in the 3 years I was gone? He had many question but no answer to them. Arthit was curious, confused and speechless, didn't know how he should handle the unexpected situation. His mind was in chaos, he felt like he was out of place. Kongpob, Dalika's child and Dalika's mother were here to remember her so he shouldn't be here since he wasn't in the family.

Kongpob was surprised and flabbergasted to see Arthit standing in front of him. No, not today. You shouldn't come today and see it. With a heavy mind, he approached him, „Why're you here?". It sounded like he didn't really want Arthit to be here. He didn't want him to see that Dalika died and he was holding a memorial for her. But why was he hiding her death from him? Was there more to her death that he didn't want Arthit to find out about?

Arthit noticed the bandage around Kongpob's hand. He was worried, wanted to know why his hand was bandaged but he didn't want to sound too worried so he let go of that topic for the time being. „Sun called me and was crying", was his answer but he hide the fact that he came running here because the thought something happened to his former fiance like Sun told him. He was embarassed that he blindly believed a 2 years old boy and stormed here without confirming it first. Kongpob was the reason why he came here but he didn't want him to find out that he was scared for his life.

The taller man looked at his son, fierce as if the little boy did somethone he couldn't accept. Somehow he didn't like the fact that a two years old boy took his phone and called his mother he didn't wan here today. „Didn't I tell you not to play with my cellphone?", anger reflected in his eyes, Sun didn't fail to notice it either.

Sun, scared of his father's angry look, hide behind Arthit then turned his head away to avoid looking at his face since he was afraid of him right now. Arthit realized how much the boy was trembling behind him. He could feel how scared he was, as if Sun conveyed his feelings through him like a mother would always sence it if her child was in danger or afraid. Even though Sun was Dalika's, his enemy's, son he couldn't let Kongpob scare the innocent boy in his presence. He felt irritated that the taller man still shouted at the child to not take his phone again or else he would be really angry next time he did it without his permission.

„Stop it Kongpob! You're scaring him", Arthit interferred. He gently touched the boy on the head, caressing him to calm him down. „ Can't you see that he's worried about you?", he said with lowered voice, showing to Kongpob's injured hand that was wrapped in dressings.

Arthit screaming at him, took Kongpob aback. It let him remember the many times Arthit would yell at him in his freshmen's year as the shorter man was still a head hazer. Even in their relationship, the older man would shout at him sometimes if he provokated him too much. Kongpob was susprised that Arthit defented Sun because he thought he would distance himself from the child if he realize that he was Dalika's son. Because of him being afraid that Arthit would want to never see them again, he didn't want him to find out that Sun was her child. But the latter didn't behave indifferently towards his son. Apparantly the older man still liked the boy even though he was related to their mutual enemy. Yeah, right. Dalika wasn't just Arthit's enemy but Kongpob's too. Ever since he finally found out the truth about her, he made sure that she would repent for her wronddoings till the day she died. Of course one shouldn't talk badly about dead person but he couldn't find any nice words for her. So evil and wicked was she till the day she died.

SOTUS: Even in the past, present and future, I'll still love you 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now