Chapter 13

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I'm sorry for neglecting this story but I hope I can make you happy with this chapter...

The first song is My love by BUZZ (A old song, old but gold ;) 

Warning: A Rated R scene



It was the sound of gun firing in the air. The bullet hit someone's chest, the person looked down at his chest, blood dripping down from the wound. The other two persons froze on the spot, their attention at the man who got shot just now. P'Net's heartbeat accelerated but his breath turned shallow, his vision was blurry. He was too weak to stay kneeled on his knees, he fell down to the hard ground, gasping for air, his eyes glaring at the ceiling. Arthit couldn't believe that P'Net took a bullet for him. 3 whole years he hated his Phee and wished to kill him if he faced him again. Now the man he wanted dead, was really dying after saving him. He wasn't dying like he expected him to end but was dying like a hero after blocking Lek's way to receive the bullet instead.

Lek wasn't satisfied with the resultat yet, he could hear many footsteps coming closer to the bulding. Surely the polices were surrounding the area, cornering him to block his escaping route. He aimed at Arthit to shoot him but it was Kong who stood in his way, keeping himself as a shield to protect his boyfriend. Lek had his finger around the trigger, ready to fire again.


Another sound coming from a firearm. One man was down, laying on his back, his eyes staring at the ceiling, his past flashing before his eyes as if he was seing a vision. Only two persons survived the hostage case. Many police officers entered the building, screaming that everyone should surrounder and lay on the ground. The gun that shot just now fell down to the ground, making a loud sound when hitting against the cement. Everyone and everything went quiet, no one dared to speak first and break the awkward silence. A heavy atmosphere covered the air, the air was so thick that it was hard to breath under this circumstance. Right, nobody expected the hostage-taking to end like this!

The police monitored the building first to familiarise themselves with the situation. Kongpob was in shock, his body frozen on the spot, his eyes moving around to scrutinise the two men laying on the ground. Lek had a hole pierced through his heart, a pool of blood spread around him. Net was gasping for air, his breath turning shallow the more time they were wasting and the more blood he was losing. However, Lek wasn't half lucky like his partner in crime, he wasn't moving anymore. His eyes were staring at the ceiling, the last picture engraving in his memeoy was the white, dirty ceiling above him. He took his last breath, his pupils dilated, not responding to the light anymore. It was a sign of death. Time of death was 15:45 p.m. in the evening.

Kongpob finally moved, turning to the place where the second gunfire came from. Arthit was in front of him, his hand clenched around the gun, his pointer stil wrapped around the trigger. He was frozen on the spot as if all of his senses left him but his hands were trembling in fear.

Kong staggered to him, one hand above the shorter man's hands that were holding the gun. He grabbed at his hand, „Give it to me...", his soothing voice spoke faintly to him.

Arthit was stil indulged in shock that the taller man's voice didn't reach him. Kongpob just hold tighter onto him, squeezing his hands whereupon the shorter man loosened the grip he was holding the weapon with. Kongpob let the weapon fall to the ground. The moment the gun hit the ground, Arthit's tears were dropping too. He wasn't making any noise but the tears kept streaming down. Kong wrapped his arm around Arthit's back, pulling him gently in a tight but passionate embrace, the other hand caressing over the latter's head. Since Arthit's eyes were focused on Lek he shot death, he hold Arthit's face against his chest, covering his view with his broad chest, preventing his man to see the dead man laying on the ground.

SOTUS: Even in the past, present and future, I'll still love you 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now