Chapter 16 Part 1

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It took me long to update this story... Didn't have time and beside I lost my money this morning and had to look for it so I was busy on my free day today too :D This chapter is veryyyy long so I made two parts of it ;)

The song is Forgetting you by Davichi (Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo OST)

Enjoy this chapter :)


D-Day was finally here, the groom Bright was going to marry his bride Kanita. The spacious wedding was decorated beautifully with red and white roses, the tables were covered with red tablecloth, the chairs dressed with white blanket. The wedding hall was filled with more than hundreds persons, families, friends and other acquaintances. Kongpob and Arthit were on the groom's side, they shared with Knott, Prem, Wad and Toota a special table that was reserved for the groom's best friends. Sun refused to be held by his father but wanted only his mother to carry him. The wedding ceremony began, the bride, wearing a white beautiful long dress had already walked down the aisle with her father. She, now, was standing with her groom on the altar, the older man leading the marriage spoke few vows that bride and groom repeated. They then exchanged the rings. They were finally declared husband and wife, Bright kissed his Kanita at the end, the ceremony was celebrated with applauses while husband and wife were kissing passionately. Sounds of cameras taking pictures of the happy couple followed.

The moment Bright and Kanita shared a sweet kiss, Arthit was left emotional, almost letting his tears falling down but he hold them back to not destroy the good mood. Somehow he felt absent, as if he was somewhere else daydreaming, thinking about the past and how his future would had been if it wasn't for their painful past. He imagined himself standing there on the altar with Kongpob in front of him, surrounded by their families and close friends to celebrate their wedding. How great if would had been if they were standing there instead of Bright and Kanita! If Kongpob and he didn't break up years ago, he would be the first one to be married among his clique. If he didn't meet such unfortunate circumstances years ago then they would stil be together. Dalika, P'Net and Lek took everything away from him that he always dreamt about with Kongpob. They took his happiness away. Look at where they were standing now! Kongpob broke up with him, he was fighting for his recovery and their son Sun was confused about their relationship. Although he was the first one to have a relationship in his clique, he ended up being alone later. Knott found a girlfriend, she was sitting next to him around the table. Toota was there with his longterm boyfriend. Prem and Wad were engaged and would marry soon. Only he wasn't fortunate enough to find happiness with the love of his life. It was indeed sad but he didn't want to fell in selfpity. It would make the whole situation and his life pathetic!

There were two important questions swirling in his mind for now: How should he live without Kongpob and Sun? How should he teach their son that his father and him were going seperate ways now? It would leave the child traumatized, right? Sun was the only person in the world he didn't want to hurt but it looked like he was going to make him cry with their break up.

Kongpob realized his ex boyfriend fighting with his tears, he took many glances from him to make sure that he was fine. He had the huge urge to touch him and caress his shoulder to give him assurance that he was there for him but he remembered that he broke up with Arthit some days ago. He retired his hand, keeping it to himself. Sun noticed his mommy sniffing back his tears so he touched his face and rubbed his small palm against the latter's cheek to sooth him. Arthit was surprised to see his son caring for him and comforting him so he gave him a smile. His friends wanted to tease Arthit since it was rare occasion to see their hot tempered head hazer being emotional but they couldn't mutter a word. They remained quiet since they were deeply moved too. Each one of them remembered how they met Bright, learned to love and also hate him at the same time for his carefree personality. They were happy for him but also sad that they were losing a friend that wouldn't have much time for them from now on. Step by step, they were accustomated to the fact that they were losing the most humorous one in their group. Toota, the soft one of them was crying a river, felt happy for his best friend he always joked and fought with that he had another important person in his life now. However, a joke from him got rid of the sad atmosphere in the air that was caused by losing a friend.

SOTUS: Even in the past, present and future, I'll still love you 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now