Chapter 8

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Sorry that it took long to update this story. I'm not satisfied with the outcome of this chapter but I hope you'll still enjoy it

The song's Divine Intenvention by Yang Yoseob (Hwarang OST)  (The song make my love for the band Beast shine again *.*)


Today was Arthit's first session in the therapist's room. Since Kongpob promised to help him get through his trauma that wasn't cured in those 3 years ago, he accepted to be treated by a therapist to get rid of his fear and claustrophobia. It wasn't easy for him to reminisce the past because his problems with Kongpob began from the day on as they saved Dalika from the 3 men who tried to sexually harass her. Because the therapist didn't want him to go through the trauma again, she let him just tell her about his relationship with Kongpob Suthiluck first.

Finally Arthit left the therapist's room after spending two hours there talking about his past, his pain and his fear while leaving with the taller man. He came here with a low expectation since he didn't believe to be helped by only talking about his problems but he also wished for help to get some courage to forget his past. Even though he didn't believe in a psychologist's treatment, he still hoped she would help him get through his fear to be hurt and accept Kong again. Before he entered the room, Kongpob told him that he would feel more lighter if he expressed his feeling to the psychologist but here he was, not feeling any better nor lighter.

He came out of the building, thinking about the direction he should take to catch up the bus later. He looked at the watch around his wrist, realizing that it was already quarter past 10 am. It was time to go home and pick Sun up who was spending time with his friend Pete. Pete's mother, one of their busybody neighbour who liked to gossip about the couple, accepted to babysit Sun so Arthit could take care of his business first. Because he promised the little boy to come home before noon, he had to dash home or else the little boy would turn anxious and wounder why he didn't come sooner to take him home. Somehow he didn't like to leave Sun alone for a long time but he believed their neighbour would pay attention to his lovely son.

When he was about to take the right direction to the bus station, someone in a black car parked in front of him, honking, driving the window down so he could see him clearlier. The driver turned out to be a familiar man with a handsome face. It was Kongpob Suthiluck. The latter smiled at him, waiving him to his side. Arthit went to his side, bending down to him so he could talk to him in eye level.

„What're you doing here?"

„I'm here to take you home", was Kongpob's answer, curious to see how Arthit would react to his unexpected arrival.

The shorter man reacted surprised at his answer he didn't expect to hear. Although he didn't expect him to care for him just like in the past but he was still happy to see Kongpob picking him up, showing that he was still dear to him. „I thought you're busy with work", Arthit tried to make him tell him the true reason why he came for him.

„Sun and you are my priority, P'Arthit. You come first before anything", was Kongpob's reply, still having the bright grin on his face, showing his complete white teeth.

Arthit shook his head while smiling, mumbling something like his Nong didn't change after those 3 years of seperation. He's still the cheesy N'Kongpob I met and love... I still love him huh? This time Arthit didn't have problems to admit that he's still in love with Kongpob and would like to start their relationship anew. Maybe it would be a happy ending for him instead of a sad ending just like 3 years ago. But he was still reluctant to take the bait, to return back to Kongpob. Should I really get involved with him again or should I run away as I'm having the chance to end everything now. Make I should make a clean break up with him and return to South Korea or...? His thought was interrupted as the younger man called to him, telling him to enter the car. Arthit jumped in the car whereupon Kongpob took the way to their home.

SOTUS: Even in the past, present and future, I'll still love you 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now