Chapter 7

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I know everyone watched Sotus S the series ep 1 already but see the 2 min video of ep 1 again *.* just beautiful... (The translation for the video is below the story if you want to read it - Thanks toJidtapadTK for the translation)

The song is When night fall by Eddy Kim (While you were sleeping OST)

Enjoy the chapter even though it's really long :(  Sorry for that


Today Prem and Wad were moving in in their own apartment after both of them decided to take the next big step to advance in their relationship. Together with their university friends' Arthit, Knott, Toota, Bright, also Kongpob, Aim, Oak and Tew, they were bringing the many furnitures packed in boxes in the apartment the couple bought a couple of days ago. Since their apartment was on the first storey, they didn't have difficulties moving the furnitures like they had when they helped Kong and Arthit moving their stuffs. The four girls, Praepalin, May, and Bright's fiance, Kanita, accompanied them to help them with moving little stuffs like clothes and preparing food or bringing drinks for them. Even P'Seung Il and Sun were there, helping as much as they could.

Prem and Wad were chatting while walking over in the big kitchen, putting the two boxes containing their cutleries and plates on the floor. They looked around, noticing that they were alone now whereupon they smiled to each other. The older man stole a brief kiss from his junior. The latter blushed, rubbing at his red cheek Prem kissed him just now, making sure that nobody saw them by looking around the second time. The taller man wanted more skin contact, coming closer to the younger man to kiss him on the lips. They shared a passionate kiss. The moment they dared to deepen the kiss, letting their tongues touch each other, Arthit suddenly entered the kitchen, saw his friend kissing his boyfriend. His eyes went wide from surprise, the box in his hand almost fell to the ground. He blushed in embarassment, turning to run away but Wad already noticed him, shoving the older man back.

Wad loved skinship between Prem and him but he didn't like his family and his friends to see them getting closer due to his shyness. He bowed his head down to Arthit then quickly dashed out of the room. Prem shook his head at his friend, complaining that he came in the wrong time at the wrong place just like Ai'Bright always did. Prem ran after his boyfriend. However Arthit was smiling even though Prem blamed him for ruining their romantic moment. He placed his box close to the other ones, looking to Prem who ran behind his fan. The way Prem and Wad were behaving, reminded him of his past as N'Kongpob and him were moving in their apartment together. That time he was more than happy. Kongpob kissed him in the living room just like Prem just kissed Wad in the kitchen. He even took care of his wounds after he tripped over and the box fell on him. It was one of his happy memories he never wanted to forget. We were happy that time. We didn't have anything to worry about. Now look at what remained of us. We broke up, Kongpob has a son and I... I'm still alone. Nothing than memories remained for me. Memories about us.

He was staring into space while remembering about the past that he didn't realize that time was moving on. A smile appeared on his face when reminiscing about Kongpob teasing him the first night they had to spend in the new apartment. It was a beautiful night even thought he had to complain about his former fiance's being rough in the night. Kongpob was in front of him, gazing at him, smiling to him too. But Arthit thought Kongpob wasn't there but his mind let him imagine the junior standing there. According to himself, his fantasy was playing him a trick by letting him see Kongpob since he missed him too much. He moved his hand to the taller man, touching him on the cheek, caressing his beautiful skin. It felt soft, good and soothing. His lips curved up, a little smile appeared.

SOTUS: Even in the past, present and future, I'll still love you 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now