Chapter 12

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Finally the end of this story... Na, kidding :D It's not the end but there are only few chapters remaining of this story... Enjoy while reading it ;)

There is no song for today's chapter but enjoy the beautiful fan meting of SOTUS cast *.* They kissed on the stage and I'm melting here... Blame Krist/Singto if I didn't update anymore (The video is from celebritism)


Arthit went back in the kitchen where the elderly women gathered around to make lunch for their husbands and children. He gave Sun to his mother to take care of him while he would have a long discussion with Kongpob and the police. However Sun didn't like the idea of his mother giving him away after he waited so long for him to come back. Sun raised his arms up, wanting his mommy to take him back but Arthit was relectant to take him back but also leave him there by the elders and his friends. The little child's sulky face was too cute and too sad, he would be heartless if he left him here. His heart beat fast, it hurted to see Sun on the verge of crying. He didn't have the heart to ignore Sun, he took him back, talking softly to him.

„I'm not going anywhere, Sun... I'll just have a talk with daddy...", he mentioned to assure the child that he didn't have any intention of going anywhere and leaving him behind.

Sun, still sulking, didn't have any choice as to nod. „Sun com wit mommy", the kid was too persistent. After waiting for Arthit for a long time, he grew afraid of being left behind again.

Everyone in the room were curious to see how the former fierce head hazer would handle the sweetness also the sadness of a child. Their eyes were on him but Arthit seemed not to notice them, he only had eyes for Sun in this moment. He wanted to take his fear and sadness away, showing him that he wouldn't run away like he did 3 years ago or dissapear again just like he did this morning with P'Net. Sun made a pouty lips, just like Arthit did when he was sulking to Kongpob. The little boy reminded him of himself, he resembled him much in many aspects even though he wasn't his father. His red lips, pale skin and round face. Maybe he looked like him because of himself having a babyface that didn't make him look old in his end twenties. Oon was his second name but „babyface" was the nickname his friends gave him behind his back till he heard Bright calling him like that without knowing that he was standing behind him even though their friends were making grimaces to tell him that he was behind him.

Arthit gave him a big smile. „Okay let's do it like that. You'll let me go to daddy and I'll give you a reward later if you're brave and wait here for us... How about this?", it was a question he knew Sun would never be able to decline. Sun was just a child and always liked rewards, most likely if the reward came from his mommy.

Sun made a thinking expression as if he was thinking really hard and wanted to see the benefit he could have with this deal. Sun gave him a bright smile, nodding his head, saying „Uhm". It was a deal. Arthit just knew how to twist the men in his house around his fingers. Just like he always did with Kongpob. The Suthilucks, Kong and Sun were just his target he could control easily. Honestly Bright and Prem waited for Arthit to fail calmind down the child since Arthit wasn't known as nice or a human to play with kids. They were flabbergasted to see their bad-tempered friend managing Sun as if the child was his son, it was embellishing for their eyes. This picture, Arthit holding his enemy's son in his arms and calming him down was peaceful. P'Seung Il had to memorize this picture deep in his memory but in his mobilphone too. He sent the cute image to Kong and to another person who was saved as „Yobo" in his cellphone.

„I'll sent the other pictures to Yobo later... She'll be pleased with them", Seung Il mumbled, smiling as soon as he imagined his Yobo, a fujoshi and Arthit's fan, grining while adoring this image as present.

SOTUS: Even in the past, present and future, I'll still love you 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now