Chapter 14

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Next chapter is finally here... But it's going to be my last update for this month (I'm going to spent 3 weeks in a Africa*.*) Maybe I won't manage to update the other Story either...

The song is Golden Love by Midnight Youth (Uncontrollably Fond OST)


Arthit was in the kitchen, packing the food, sweets, vegetables and fruits he prepared early in this morning in the bag while having a phone call with P'Seung Il. Sun sat on the high chair beside him, he was slurping his pudding. Today was saturday, Kongpob decided to spend more time with his family after the rough week that challenged their relationship once again. They needed to distract each other from the case concerning P'Net and P'Lek to forget about them as soon as possible. After asking Sun where he would like to visit with them, the child's choice fell on the park. He didn't pick the amusement park or his favourite children restaurant but a picnic in the park. According to the taller man, Sun always wanted to have a picnic with him but he couldn't fulfill his wishes since he always worked and didn't have much time for him. Now that the family was complete again, they could catch up to the many things they didn't had the chance to do.

Arthit sighed, waited on the spot and wipped the sweat from his forehead. „I'll go to hospital when I'm back from the picnic. Sun wants to go there with us and I don't want to disappoint him by being sick...", he had to explain since P'Seung Il didn't have any comprehension why he didn't seek for a doctor's help as he had those symtoms. The talk was about Arthit's health condition. Since yesterday, his body felt hot and he was sweating a lot. However, there was one thing he held a secret from his doctor from Korea. It was the dull pain in his left flank. He knew his Phee would make a big deal out of it if he learned about his pain since it was a bad sign that his condition was detoriating. Before he came back to Thailand, he made a promise with P'Seung Il that he would go immediately to the hospital to have a check up whenever he felt fevery symtoms also pain. But he didn't want to consult him about it since the pain wasn't that worse either. As long as he could still walk, he would resist it. He just needed to prevent lifting heavy stuffs for now. Everything will go well... A picnic won't kill me anyway.

„Fine... I'll have to send Knott there to check on...", the older man tried to bargain on the end of the other line.

„No!", he almost raised his voice but apologised quickly when he noticed that he was rude to the older man. Knott shouldn't come here... That sneeky bastard will notice that something is wrong with me if he sees me. This was the reason why he didn't want his best friend here. „I promise that I'll have the check up when I'm back at home."

There was a break between them, the older one sighing to end the awkward silence between them. Seung Il approved of his decision whereupon Arthit thanked him then excused himself that he had to hung up. After packing the food for the picnic in the bag, he smiled at Sun. The small child knew that his mommy would take him in his arms so he opened his arms, ready himself to be lifted by his strong mommy. Arthit lifted his son but felt dizzy suddenly. Sun wasn't heavy that Arthit would have difficulty to carry him in this arms but the pain was far great than he imagined earlier. It prevented him to move around like he wanted. He quickly but carefully deposed the little boy on the ground, rubbing at his head to ease the pain.

Sun tilted his head aside, confused about his mother's strange behaviour. He tugged at his pants, „Mommy alright?", he seemed worried about him, his soft voice quievering as Arthit didn't reply right away.

Arthit kneeled down in front of him then smiled at him. „Mommy is fine... Don't worry about me...", he had to lie to not worry the child. Sun was easily scared so he shouldn't let him know that something was wrong with him. „I'll go up to take something while you'll wait here for me... Okay?"

SOTUS: Even in the past, present and future, I'll still love you 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now