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Charlotte’s pov

    We. Were. So. Lost. It seems like hours had passed, and we still couldn’t figure out we where we were. God Everything was easier in England!! At least there I knew who everyone was and their status. Here it is dang impossible, only that these people are rich like us.

    “M-maybe we should ask for directions.” Mackenzie said.

    “Nonsense! If we don’t have a dungeon map we’ll make one!” Akuma said.

    “Oh no, she’s gone into video game mode. Be warned we many never leave until tomorrow morning.”

    “W-what?!” she said. I looked up, to see a sign.

    “Music room 3. Hey a new area!”

“I don't t-that's a good idea…”

“Why not, we've been wondering these halls for hours with no human contact whatsoever. This has to have people in it.” Me and my long time adopted sister opened the light pink doors to see rose petals fly at us. A light blinding us after and then 7 males standing or sitting by a couch each holding a rose. Immediately I heard a voice.

“Welcome, to the host club.” it was a male, pale skin, blonde with violet eyes. He approached me, grabbing my hand and holding it, him within inches from my face. I blushed furiously. “I must say, I have never seen you ladies here before. Are you new perhaps?”

“LET GO!” I yelled, flipping him over my shoulder immediately. My sisters moved out of the way, Mackenzie looking horrified. Akuma sighed.

“I knew it was a bad idea for father to let you learn to fight and use your moves for that one video game.” She merely said.

“That was a bad move boss,” I heard two voices say simultaneously, “That's not how you treat pretty women, especially the one with dark grey eyes.”

“Oh lookie here!~ We got some fine ones~”

“Bad Akuma.” I said, whacking her head.

“A-are we just going to ignore the fact that he might be hurt?!” Another said. Mackenzie was just silent staring in horror.

“I'm sorry but you can't just come in here and hurt our,” he clears his throat, “beloved president.” This male had black hair, glasses and grayish-brownish eyes. He's…..kind of attractive. Focus, he’s mad at you! I cleared my throat.

“I do believe I was provoked, so I have a right to act.” I said, my voice cold. Akuma was with the twins. Really?!

“I-I do apologize f-for my sister! S-See we got lost and we’re new here!” Mackenzie whispered loudly.

“That seems about right. You three are from the Osborne family, you precisely being the only pure blood,” He said pointing at me. “Your names being Charlotte, Akuma, and Mackenzie.” he was looking in a black notebook while saying this. I was surprised.

“Honestly, another creep?! I thought we left all those bloody wankers back at home!” I yelled.

“Oh dear, I'm not a creep.” his glasses tinted, “I'm just reading on some fellow school mates and potential customers.” And with that he slammed his notebook shut. I tried not to jump.

“Hmmph!” I looked over to see Mackenzie blushing furiously as the blond one talked on and on about random stuff. I sighed. You’re both not helping!! I heard someone yawn. I looked over to see a small honey-blond boy with hazel eyes.”

“Would you like to hug Usa-chan?”

“Who?!” I asked.

“My bunny, he's pink, and fun to play with.”

3 Kids, 1 Host Club (Ouran High School Host Club Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now