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Charlotte’s pov

    The one I threw over my shoulder sure seemed to be happy about this. I chatted with the child and the brown haired ones, who I learned their names to be Haruhi and Honey-senpai. The taller one was Mori, I believe. However in the corner of my eye I would always see him looking over and staring at me. The hate was obvious in the air.

“WEE! This is fun! But no one can replace you Mori.” All I heard was a hum in response.

“Wow Honey-senpai you sure are having fun there, are you sure you can carry him Charlotte?” Haruhi asked.

“Of course! If I can flip you’re president over my shoulder no problem then I can carry Honey!” I smiled. Honey giggled then responded.

“Wow, you are so strong, maybe like Mori!”

“I believe that Mori might be stronger than me though.”

“Yea, sorry I just excited on meeting a new friend!”

“Honey-senpai is always like this don't worry.” Haruhi explained.

“It’s not a bother! I’m quite enjoying myself with him.” I smiled. I felt someone glaring at me however. We reached the garden and into a big grassy area, then Tamaki spoke up.

“Alright the game we are going to play is called ‘Hide-n-Seek’.” he said. “This game is simple, the person it will count to thirty and the rest will have that exact time to hide. You can either hide in pair of alone. If you get caught you go with the seeker to help look for the rest. Now Mori will you please kindly be ‘It’?”

Mori went up to a tree and started counting….or mumbling numbers. We all disbursed into different directions. I went into the maze that was near the area. I guess Mackenzie had the same idea too because I saw her up ahead. Minutes passed and a few left and right turns later, I found a table. I heard footsteps so I quickly ducked under and far back as possible. I saw feet stop by the table. I hope it's not Mori-senpai. I will be slightly irritated if I was found first. The person got onto their knees and then a head popped down, it was him.

“What are you doing down here?!”

“‘What are you doing down here?!’ I found this place first now scram!”

“To be fair there aren't many places to hide in this maze. I'm amazed to even found one of them.”

“That still doesn't mean you're hiding here,” I said. Then there was the sound of multiple feet walking.

“Move over.” His voice sounded more like a demand than asking. He came in to my right and with an arm behind me. Probably to be comfortable.

“Get out!” I yelled.

“Shh!” He put a finger on my lips and was close to me. I blushed furiously and was about to say something else but he put his whole hand across my bottom face. Five sets of feet where in front of the table.

“I thought I heard a yell…” Tamaki…

“Maybe they need alone time with somebody, if you know what I mean~” Akuma…

“Maybe someone is under this table,” Wait no no no don't look under here no no no!

“Don't be silly Kaoru, that would be too easy.” Both twins…

“Let's go.” Mori! Yes thank you for leaving!  I shoved that bastard away from me, my face still furiously red.

“Bloody wanker..” I mumbled under my breath. Unfortunately he was close, so he heard.

3 Kids, 1 Host Club (Ouran High School Host Club Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now