14 0 0

"T'was the month of Halloween, we walked throughout the night. We were all waiting for what seemed like a fright"

"Akuma shut up!" I said close to laughing. Then from all the way down the hallway was a little music box, playing a little song.

"W-what's that?!" Mackenzie said.

"Ah, it's just a music box! No biggie!" I said picking it up, turning it off and putting it beside the wall. From the outside we heard a howl.

"W-what was t-that?!" said Mackenzie. All Akuma did was gag.

"Ugh...furries. I'm gonna puke."

"Seriously that's all they got?!" I yelled. "I'm starting to get hungry"

"Should we just ditch this place? I know there's a 24-hour commoner store nearby." said Akuma.

"I-is that even f-fair?"

"Well we really aren't getting scared," started Akuma and turned to us but as she said that, something appeared behind her "and there's nothing going on so we-"


"What?" we pointed behind her. We heard a bit of hissing. Slowly, Akuma turned around and met a tall dark figure with red glowing eyes and horns. We saw a sinister smile. Akuma started to stutter. "S-s-s-s-s-sa-sa-sa..........SATAN!!!!!!" she yelled and ran away faster than I've ever seen, leaving us screaming,

"WAIT FOR US!!!" we ran after her, barely catching up.

"LEAVE ME ALONE SATAN, I NEVER WANTED TO GO TO YOU AND I NEVER WILL!!" yelled Akuma. Wait what?! We all reached a janitor's closet and rested in there. We were all panting.

"W-what....was....that...a-all...about?!" asked Mackenzie.

"I...don't....know....but-" I started to say but the door knob started to wiggle. We all held our breaths, silence filling the air. Wait didn't we lock it?! The door slowly opened to reveal the tall figure again but...it was only Honey being carried on the shoulders by Mori with a mask and horns.

"Ha, ha! We won!" said Honey as he took off the mask. Even Mori smiled a bit.

"Losers" was all he said.

"Why you- CHEATERS!!" I yelled, still somewhat shaken up. The other two were still shaking. For some reason Akuma looked traumatized. Mackenzie was slightly hyperventilating. I was pretty sure I was shaking a bit too also. I sighed and looked straight to my sisters. "You both still need some time to calm down?"

"Y-yes p-please" said Mackenzie as Akuma just nodded quickly.

"Alright." I said, waiting a bit until they calmed down. After that they led us out. They had somewhat calmed down. We met up with the others, ready to face the punishment of our deal. Oh dear Lord have mercy on us...

"Well, it looks like you lost!" both Hikaru and Kaoru said in unison. I sighed.

"Oh dear. Well, do your worst." I sighed. The twins shoved us all into a dressing room, each with a bag with the costumes that they picked out for us. There was also a box with it. Probably the shoes. I mumbled and dressed up. I looked at myself in the mirror, growing red. OH BLOODY HELL I AM NOT GOING OUT WITH THIS ON! I LOOK BLOODY RIDICULOUS!! I then heard someone say.

"I. Hate. You. All." I peeked my head out, to see Akuma wearing a very breast revealing black one piece shirt with long sleeves, a black choker collar, black thigh high boots with heels, and to complete it, black cat ears and tail.

"I-It's not that bad. I glanced over to see Mack. She was wearing a skin tight bear suit with bear ears on.

"What about Charlie-senpai?" said Honey.

"I AM NOT COMING OUT WITH THIS BLOODY THING ON!" I yelled. I didn't dare put on the little headband it had, it would basically reveal what I was.




"TRY ME YOU ARSE!!!" I yelled, fuming. My face was red, and I closed the curtains.

"Here, use this~" said the twins.

"Ah, this will SURELY help!" then I'm pretty sure I heard a whip crack. "I'LL GIVE YOU TO THE COUNT OF 3 CHARLIE!"


"ONE!" she cracked the whip on the curtain at the left side and made it rip a bit. I looked around for anything to hide myself in before I was made fun of. "TWO!" She hit the curtain again on the right side but this time a bigger rip appeared. I hid the headband behind me, still uncomfortable with this outfit. I am going to kill the bloody wanker who chose this for me. "LAST WARNING!" I looked at the curtain. That's right! I can use that! "THREE!" Akuma striked horizontally across where the rips were, connecting them and making the curtain fall. As it fell, I quickly grabbed the curtain and covered my whole body with it, head to toe. Take that!!!

"I TOLD YOU! I'M NOT GOING TO SHOW NO ONE!!" I yelled, my face burning.

"Oh for the love of....I don't even know anymore..." Akuma pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I-it is indecent! Why do people even wear this!" I said.

"Perhaps the same reason why it's made..." said Kyoya with a smirk. WHY THAT NO GOOD SON OF A PERV- I felt someone pull the curtain away, and immediately panicked, blushing extremely red. I was wearing a short strapless dress, the top tight with the bottom puffed out. There was a red ribbon in the middle, the rims of the dress with a red lace. Under the red ribbon was a red plus, usually seen in infirmaries. I also wore red fishnet leggings, as well as white heels. I then felt something being placed on my head. I looked up to see the headband, white laced with red and with a middle red cross.

"Now it's complete" I heard Akuma say. She was smirking. I merely crossed my arms.

"H-honestly, this is bloody ridiculous." I said.

"You don't look ridiculous at all, love." said Kyoya

"Says the bloody pervert." I responded mumbling.

"Don't you think you guys took it a bit too far?" Haruhi asked.

"I think they look cute!" Honey said. I hate this bloody thing... I said. For the rest of the night we wore our costumes. Eventually we had to change back to our school uniforms, so father wouldn't question us. I don't need another reason for him to lash out on me.

Again, same as last chapter on trying to follow the plot. But this time there is no offense to furries and Satan was really never taken apart through here at any point.


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