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Christmas morning is getting to me.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays!!

Tamaki’s pov

It was the next day and almost time for the ball. Time to put our plan into action!!!

“Alright host club! Operation ‘Get Charlotte to the ball!’ Is under way!” And Mackenzie!… And Akuma too… We all made our way to the Osborne mansion, to where Mackenzie will meet us at the gate, she will play the damsel in distress, wondering the halls but guiding us to Charlotte and Akuma and secret entrances to escape. What a clever girl you.~ We met up with her and we into a side entrance, from there we went through twist and turns of the lovely decorated home.

“Are we almost there yet.” Hikaru spoke.

“Yea, my mind is hurting with this maze of a home.” Kaoru countered.

“W-We are alm-most there.” the lovely voice of Mack spoke.

“Quit pestering her, and stop talking we are going to get caught!”

“Shut up Kyoya!” I yelled at him.

“What’s with all this yelling!!” a strong male voice yelled. Uh oh. Mackenzie quickly pushed us to separate rooms. Possibly so we won't get caught all together. I got pushed into a room, I looked around then put my head against the door to listen to their conversation.

“F-Father, I-I see you have ret-turned.” That man is her father!?

“Indeed I have, now tell me Mackenzie. What was with that yelling. I heard more than one voice.” His own voice sounded authoritative.

“I w-was working o-on my s-stutter.” she cleared her throat. “Hello father, how was your day?” her voice honestly shocked me. I backed away from the door with a cherry red face. How I knew was from the mirror next to the door. The door opened to reveal her, she had a smile on her face. I had to turn my back away from her because she was making want to explode with red face.

“Are you alrig-” she cleared her throat again, “A-Are you alr-right?”

Charlotte’s pov

I was laying down on my bed, nothing to do. Father confiscated everything fun I had in my room; my computer, my phone, my consoles, heck even my tv! I let out a sigh when I heard my door open and a low ‘Ow!’ came from my bedroom floor. I sat up to look only to see Kyoya laying face down on the floor looking like an idiot. Luckily I was already dressed in my dress for the evening. He groaned in pain and got up to his feet.

“What are you doing here?! In my room?!” He ran up to me and covered my mouth with his hand. I blushed furiously.

“You know you are such a loudmouth,” he sighed, “I was pushed here by Macky alright, I didn't have a choice. So stay silent, we are getting you out of here.” I silently cursed under my breath.

“We are stuck here together until your sister gets us whether you like it or not.”

“It’s definitely not,” I whispered. He took his hand away from my face and stared at me for a moment. Then looked at the door because of the muffled voices outside, then took a seat on the floor near my bed. I merely sat up on my bed and looked at him.

“What?” He asked.

“Why were you staring at me earlier?”

“Whatever do you mean?”

“I-I...Never mind.” I looked away still blushing. I swear...There's something about him..

Akuma’s pov

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