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Kyoya’s pov

    After Charlotte left, I decided to get to work on getting Mackenzie to speak to me. I know that she took her phone and told her not to speak to me. She thinks she can make a fool out of me, well think again. Mine and her father told us to go to the game room, to get to know each other better. Akuma was guiding us since Macky didn't quite know the layout of the home. We made it and I must say when she opened the door I was impressed.

“Here is the game room, we have all of the games we ever published in here. Charlotte started helping father to design games a few months ago, and most have been a real success so far….” She said, before trailing off and glancing at the clock. She shook her head and looked back. She was clearly worried about her sister.

“How about you show us the more popular ones?” Yuuichi asked. He clearly saw her distress and was trying to get her mind off the topic.

“Ah yes, here we go.” She said, pulling out a game and showing us the basics. We had played for two hours or so, and Charlotte never showed up to offer an apology. As a matter of fact no one had seen her. It was peculiar.

“Macky, do you know what's the matter with your sister Charlotte?” She shifted in her spot.

“N-no, I don’t b-believe I d-do. I h-haven’t known h-her that long.”

“Well, I do believe a smart girl like you can figure that out.”

“Oi! Quit flirting and start playing!” Dammit Akito!

“At least I can get girls to like me unlike you older brother.”

“Well he is in host club, he can serve the ladies and get something back in return that you won’t.” Akuma said then winked.

“Can w-we continue p-playing?”

“Mistress Akuma! Mistress Mackenzie!!” we heard someone yell. We all turned to the door, to see a butler out of breath.


“I-It’s your sister, Mistress Charlotte. She is nowhere in the Mansion, nor outside in the gardens.” Akuma was the one to abruptly stand up and demand a search around the area. While Mackenzie was trying to calm her down. Me and my brothers looked at each other confused on the situation.

“Search around and do not tell father, mother, or Mr. And Mrs. Ootori about this. Let them negotiate. Anything out of place is a clue understood?!” the butler composed himself and nodded walking off.

“A-Akuma? Are you s-sure this is t-the right approach? M-Maybe s-she just w-wants to be a-alone…”

“If that was the case she would at least have been somewhere where she'll be easily found.”

“I k-know I h-haven’t been here l-long, but s-still, i-it’s something to c-consider.”

“She knows father would only get worried and mad if she didn't tell someone. She wouldn't dare to go off without telling someone.”

“May-maybe, s-someone or something happened to c-cause her to leave?” my eyes widen, could I have caused her to leave? Mackenzie has only been here a few days and already established this bond with Charlotte. I feel… sorry for Charlotte… GAH! WHAT AM I THINKING?! She has been nothing but a thorn in my side.

“Right now, we just need to focus on trying to find her,” we all started to look for her.

“Mistress Akuma! One of the horses is missing!” another butler yelled. Akuma turns her head.

“Which one?”

“The yellow stallion I believe.”

“That's Spirit...Tell me were the reigns missing?!”

“No, they were on the floor.”

“Search the forest nearby. I didn't think she would go riding, it's too dark for horseback riding.”

“We n-need to find h-her fast b-before father finds o-out.”

“I’ll search east.” I started walking not waiting for a reply. After what seemed like days but only a couple hours I came to a grassy clearing, one with a pond gleaming near it. There she was laying down her eyes closed, resting against a yellow stallion whose head was on her lap, resting as well. I approached cautiously, when the horse immediately awoke and raised its head, staring at me. I froze. I looked at the girl to see if she would wake up. The horse brought his head down, nudging her to wake up.

“Spirit nooo, let me sleep.” she said, her eyes closed. He kept nudging her until she opened her eyes.

“Ok ok I'm up.” she said, then she spotted me and her smile immediately fell.

“Why do you look so down, your in a beautiful place.”

“You know why Ootori.” she replied.

“Going to last name bases now are we, such a shame.” I gave a smirk.

“Oh so you do prefer me calling you a bloody wanker then?!”

“Do you really want to go down that path again, remember where it got you.~” I stepped closer. The horse gave me a glare, sensing that I was not welcomed by his mistress.

“And look where we are now Ootori.” she merely stated. My smirk fell and I just stared at her.

“Yes, look where YOU are. Your sisters are frantically looking for you. Akuma is going berserk and Mackenzie is doing her best to help.”

“I'll return before father ever notices I'm gone.”

“If the staff noticed, then I'm afraid your parents have as well. You've been gone for hours Charlotte, I found you asleep.” her eyes widened.

“I-Is that so?” she stood up, the horse standing up as well.

“If you don't believe me, I'll walk you back myself.” I gave a small bow. She merely hopped on her horse.

“I know my way back, I am not an idiot. Let's go Spirit.” she said, galloping away on the horse. I gave a small smile. Idiot… Then began the long walk back to the Osborne mansion. Once I got there, I saw Charlotte next to her father with her head down and Akuma and Mackenzie next to her.

“I’ll find a suitable punishment for you Charlotte later, for causing the Ootori boys and your sisters trouble when you were to be excused to your room.”

“Now don't be hard on the poor girl, she was probably just exploring is all!” My mother exclaimed.

“I do believe she knows that night time is prohibited, right dear?”

“Yes mother.” Charlotte whispered.

“Mackenzie,” Mr. Osborne turned to her and she turned to him, “ I know your a smart girl,and don't know the rules yet, but I hope this can serve as a lesson to future references.” All she gave was a nod.

“Well we must be on our way, this meeting took longer than expected. Good night Charles. Night Astelle.”

“Farewell Yoshio, Kayano. As we walked away, I looked back to see Mr. Osborne talking to Charlotte. One could clearly see how mad he was, while all she merely did was hang her head and listen to his rants. Not once did she try to explain herself to him, that perhaps seeing me had been too much for her.


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