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Akuma’s pov  

The ride home was silent. The air was so thick, and Charlie had this dark aura around her, ready to murder anyone if necessary. We barely made it to the steps of our home, and she opened the door, walking out without a second thought. That idiot nearly tripped, but there’s no stopping her when she’s mad. I looked over at Mackenzie then at the open limo door. Her aura was down and blue. A bit of yellow, too. As we walked in, we were greeted the by sound of a slammed door. Some of our butlers and maids looked a bit scared, other’s annoyed that the slammed the door. Luckily mother and father weren’t here, or else they would probably have scolded her. Well here we go...

“I wonder what’s going on in her head today...”

“I-It’s better if you talk t-to her.” She said, slightly scared as well. There’s where the yellow is coming from. I went up the giant stairs to the hallways leading to our rooms. Mackenzie went to hers and I only went to mine to put my bag away. I then headed over to Charlotte’s room and knocked on it, her door decorated with many video game references.


“Leave me alone!” she screamed through the door.

“How pissed off are you right now?”

“More pissed than when Jonathan decided to cheat on his girlfriend in Demonlight!” Oh yeah, she is definitely pissed.

“Can I at least come in?!” I asked. She gave out a long sigh.

“Fine! It’s unlocked by the way.” I opened the door. Her room was a light blue, her bed a similar color with white flower accents. There were cut out figures in her room, the ceiling adorned with golden accents. In her room was a whole wall of rare collectibles, all that father gave her. Then there was her bookcase full of video game titles expanding about a side wall. Here was another door to a separate room, were most likely she would binge play and possibly stream online. Sometimes I would join her, since the room is pretty big. She was on her bed, her face buried in her pillow. She was still screaming into it. Let's see if she'll rip the pillow from all that screaming.

“Ok, Charlotte, what’s the matter? Why are you acting so sour, yet salty?” I sat down on the bed.

“It’s him! He’s getting on my last nerve!”

“The Kyoya dude with glasses?”


“You afraid that he’ll hurt Mackenzie? Or you?”

“MACKENZIE! WHY WOULD I WORRY ABOUT HIM HURTING ME! I HATE HIS ASS!!” I got her! I smiled. “Oh no Akuma. When you smile like that you got something to say to me, but you're not gonna! Tell me!”

“Just a reminder to finish your homework” I got up and started to leave.

“That’s not it, you know that I always do it.”

“All of it?”

“Yes! Now tell me!”

“Well, make sure to study.” I quickly left. I could hear muffled screaming from the other side of the door and more cursing as well. I started walking to my room. My smile slowly faded. If only she knew more about me…

Mackenzie's pov

I was in my room, I did hear muffled shouting but I hope everything was resolved for what the problem was. I was at my desk, I got it yesterday, along with a few other things and necessities. My phone went off, I semi-loud ding! was heard from it signaling I got a message. I learned that from Akuma when she gets messages, rather multiple at that. I went to take a look and saw it was from Kyoya, asking about the homework.

Kyoya: Macky, do you have the answer to question four?

Me: I do believe it's Rome

Kyoya: Thank you, that was all I needed. I hope you are doing your homework.

Me: I just finished.

Kyoya: Then let's just talk. Get to know each other.

Time passed and each message received, I got to know my classmate more and more. There was another ding significanting that I got a message when an annoyed Charlotte came in.

“Mackenzie keep it down, i’m trying to sulk” she said.

“S-sorry, I don't quite k-know how these phones work.”

“It’s ok… who you texting anyways?”

“My f-friend, Kyoya…” her face dropped. “I-Is something w-wrong..?”

“Don’t talk to him.” she stated a bit threatenly.

“W-w….why?” A ding came from my phone again.

“He’s only using you to get something out of father’s company .”

“B-but his family h-have their o-own company...w-why would he want s-something from ours?” soon my phone was vibrating and a long time came from it. Kyoya was calling me...

“He called you didn’t he?”

“I-I-I….” I was having trouble getting my words out. I don't know what's going on between them but it's like a fight of cats and dogs. I grabbed the phone and gave it to her. “I-If you don't w-want me speaking with him, t-then I won't,”

“Good. I did some research on him, he’s the third child and youngest child. That means he’ll do anything to get power, or perhaps something more.” She said, serious.

“What w-would I do a-about school? I have him f-for a class.”

“Ignore him.”

    “W-we sit near e-each other...”

    “Act like he doesn’t even exist.”

“I-I’ll try… but it s-seems mean.”

“It’s not, trust me. I’ll put him in his place.”


“Thank you, I bid you goodnight.”

“G-Goodnight…” She left out the door as I gave a sigh. Tomorrow is going to be one hell of a day.


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