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Akuma’s pov

    I got up and got ready to go to school. Father and mother had arrived yesterday late at night, because they were at breakfast in the morning.

    “Girls, I want you all to come straight home after school. We will be having a guest over.”

“Another deal father?” Charlotte spoke the first time this morning. She didn’t look at him, but rather her food and poked it. Guess she’s still bitter from yesterday.

“Indeed. That means no video game talk. You too Akuma.”

“Dammit... I’ll try but there won't be any promises.”

“It’s better than something.” he replied. He kept looking over to Charlotte, who clearly was avoiding any eye contact at all. We all headed to school. It was an oddly quiet ride there. Those two seemed...gray.

“Let me guess, you two had an argument?” I asked. They stayed silent “Well?”

“We did.” Charlotte said.

“I-It was over q-quickly.”

“I see...”

“We’re here.” Charlotte said, walking out of the car and into the school. “See you both later.” She left. Both Mackenzie and I looked at each other.

“I guess w-we should b-be going too...”

“Yeah...” we went to our classes. It's not even friday and we’re already like this! I headed over it class, sitting down.

“What is going on with you guys?!” I heard a voice yell. I looked at who it was. It was the pale-blond leader of the host club.

“Something between sisters,”

“What’s the problem? Surely I can help!”

“I don’t think you can help…”

“If it has something to do with my delicate flower then I'm willing to help!” his face had the look of determination.

“If you really want to help them, then you must do something for me,” I smirked.

“Anything for my flower! I’ll act like a dog, go to the store dressed as clown! I’ll even-”

“Okay, okay! I was kidding! Look, the only thing you can do right now is to talk to them. Don’t push it all the way. If they give you the signal to stop, then do so. From there, just comfort them.”

“Alright! Now no time to waste! Let's go!” he grabbed my hand and ran to look for the rest.

“Wait! What about class?! We can do this during lunch!”

“Oops! Haha… I completely forgot about that. Class first then we help!”

“Fine...” we headed to class. Time passed and it was already time for lunch. I barely picked up my food when the blondie came back

“Finally I found you! Now, where are they?” he started to look around. I sighed

“Come with me I guess...” As he followed me, I felt other girls staring at me. Some of them were mumbling stuff.

‘Why is Tamaki following her?’

‘What’s with her clothes?’

‘I should be the one with him, not her!’ My eyebrow twitched. We finally arrived to Charlie and Mackenzie. They were still quiet. Charlie gave me a glare.

“Why. Is. He. Here?!” she yelled, peeved.

“Hello my delicate flower it is so good to see you!~”


“Leave her alone.” Charlotte said with a harsh voice.

“Now with a mood like that you will never see the bright side! How about I bring the rest of the host club to our table to eat, Akuma?” Tamaki asked.

“No.” Charlotte said.

“Well I'm not going to wait for an answer,” he stood up straight like a soldier and shouted, “OURAN HOST CLUB COME HITHER!!” the rest came, Charlotte growing more and more mad. Luckily Honey-senpai sat next to her instead of Kyoya.

“Well this is some warm welcome.” Kyoya said as he sat across from Mackenzie. The twin sat around me, one on each side.

“Hello again,” Kaoru started, “ I must say your looking rather lovely today.” and Hikaru finished.

“Hi Charlie! How are you today!” Honey asked my brown haired sister.

“A little rough around the edges, but I should be ok.”

“Aww!” Honey gave her a hug. Then Haruhi decided to speak up.

“Is everything alright?”

“Things could be better,” she replied.

“Well I hope things can be resolved soon.”

“I doubt it…” she sighed.

“Then keep hoping for the better.”

“Now that's my Haruhi! Always knows what to say!” Tamaki interrupted, yelling.

“Gah! Senpai!” Charlotte rolled her eyes, before letting out a small smile.

“Now what happened last night Macky? You didn't text back or even picked up the phone. Is everything alright?” Aww shit…

“U-Uh….” she shook her head before looking down and avoiding contact eye contact.

“Macky?~” he began to lean to forward and went to reach for her but then a piece of frosting landed in his hair. He looked over to Charlotte, who was eating cake and had an innocent look of ‘who, me?’ He scoffed and grabbed a napkin to clean his hair.

“Couldn't you have better aim?”

“Are you suggesting that I did it?” she tilted her head.

“Your the only the who is capable, while Honey just eats the entire thing.”

“Why would I waste something so sweet on someone so sour?” she merely replied. This is getting out of hand fast…

“Now, now no need to-” Tamaki was quickly cut off by Kyoya.

“I may be sour to you, but I have a sweet taste that I can only give when provoked.~” Charlotte choked on her cake, her face turning red. “It seems I've left you speechless, that will happen again when we enter a room together under lock and key.~”

           “You perverted no good excuse of a rich kid! Honestly with that mind of yours it's no wonder no girl goes near you!” she yelled and stormed off, mad. Everyone started at the direction she went to, then the bell signaling to go to class rang. We all looked at each other before going to our class.


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(Seems short, sorry!)

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