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New year is here, sorry my dears, seems the party didn't want to stop.ヽ(*゚ー゚*)ノ


Akuma’s pov

Well that was one hell of a risk… We all got into the car in no specific order and the driver began to drive. I guess Kyoya has him in with us. With a car ride later, we made it to the school. We got out and headed to the school’s largest ballroom where the ball was being held. Me, Charlotte, and Mackenzie were already dressed but the hosts were not. Each on of the host went to a changing room, but Haruhi went to a different one. I followed after him to see why. The curtains closed behind him as he walked in and I heard the shuffle of clothes. I tried to talk a peek through the small opening of the two curtains but I tripped over my own feet and fell right on through. I landed pretty hard and I grabbed two small and slightly round objects. I heard a groan from under me.

“W-what the hell...” we looked eye to eye, just staring. I looked down to what I was grabbing and noticed something

“Haruhi...” I squeezed them. “A-Are you a girl?!”

“Well….yeah...there's no point on hiding it now..” I squeezed her breasts more “Stop that!”

“No wonder you understand us more than the others...” I squeezed once again. She’s so flat...

“Dude!” she pushed me off.

“This whole time you were a girl! Everything make so much more sense!” I could have sworn my eyes had stars in them.

“Come on Akuma! Let me guess, you're gonna tell your sisters?”

“Well yeah! Wait a minute... are you only acting like a guy and pleasing the woman just for the hell of it?!”

“It’s a long story... but please don’t tell anyone else my real gender, just your sisters.”

“Consider it a promise!” I said.

“Thank you…” She gave out a smile. It’s going to be weird thinking that… Okay maybe not.

“I guess I’ll let you change now.” she nodded and I left the room. As soon as turned around from closing the door I saw golden eyes staring at me. Convenient

“How much did you see?!” Hikaru asked.

“Only enough to know she’s a girl.”

“You know not to go into other peoples business, especially hers.” Kaoru said. I scoffed.

    “Well, if you two got to know me better then you would have known that I'm nosey like this.”

“We want you to be nosey in OUR business because you belong to US!” Their faces were red with blush and in their eyes can clearly be shown the emotion, jealousy.

“Do I really belong to you two?! Do you both really want me?! Or am I just another toy of yours?! Because all we are doing is just playing around!!” Hikaru looked down while Kaoru spoke.

“Of course we want you Akuma. It’s just that we have had only each other our entire lives. We didn't know what to do when we both fell in love with you…” I. Was. Shocked. But Hikaru still had his head down not saying a word. Then he sighed and lifted his head up and looked at me with his golden eyes.

“Akuma. What Kaoru said was true. We did fall in love with you. We were confused at first, that's why we were as people say it as ‘toying’ with you, but we were just confused on our true feelings for you. We both deeply love you Akuma, and I, We, hope you can find it in your heart to accept this.” I felt like I stopped breathing completely. For some reason my eyes burned as tears threatened to come out.

“I...I can’t seem to find the words...” my heart felt as if it was going to burst out of my chest.

“We don't expect an answer right away.” Kaoru said with a smile.

“We will wait for as long as it takes our princess.” Hikaru said, then they walked out leaving me with my thoughts. I raised a hand to my face. Sure enough tears came out. Slowly. This did not just happen...UGHHH WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE TWINS?!

“Sukunakutomo watashi no rēsude wa, konshinsōkan wa kyoka sa rete imasu...” I said aloud. Then Haruhi came out with a weird looking face.

“They ALLOW that in your race?!”

“You should know, you're Japanese as well.” she blushed.

Charlotte's pov

After all the host had changed, they went down and attended to the girls. I was watching some of them dance while I stood in the sidelines. Kyoya broke off from one of the girls, another was about to join him but he declined with a simple smile and bow. He glanced at me and began to make his way over. I raised a brow.

“Hello, how are you this fine evening?”

“Decent.” I replied, watching the petals fall off the trees outside.

“Decent, doesn't suit this ball. We need every guest happy, so how about a dance.” Before I could argue he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor.

“Why the sudden change in attitude towards me?” I asked.

“Can't I try to make an effort. I’m trying to make you happy. Look, I know we haven't been on the best of terms lately so I suggest we dance the night away.” He gave me a smile. Honestly I was shocked.

“But why did you wait until now?” I asked him.

“Just what makes you think that I was waiting till this very moment my dear Charlotte?” my eyes widened and I looked up to him.

“I-I…. look if you're trying to gain something from me don't bother. I'm in danger of losing the company to my sisters. Go after them if that's what you want.” I replied.

“Who says I'm after them, Mackenzie speaks highly of you for the days she has known you. That alone has drawn me in.” He spins me around as we keep dancing. “Your beauty is something something to admire, even from afar.”

“I-I….”I was speechless. Not once had someone called me beautiful.

“Even your voice is wonderful, even though you have a tendency to yell from time to time.” He spins me once again.

“Excuse me but I had a reason to yell those times.”

“Another reason to what I love about about, you always say what is on your mind.” Did-did he just say….love…?

“D-Did you say love?” I asked.

“That I did indeed. And I am not ashamed to say it again. I love you Charlotte.” He pulled me close. I froze. Love….does he mean it? Does he really? Father says he loves me yet all he has ever done is be little me...“I see you are conflicted my dear. Do you want me to show you how much I truly love you?”

“Prove it to me.” I stated. He stopped dancing and took both of my hands in his. He looked at me in the eyes and spoke.

“Charlotte Osborne, will you become my girlfriend?” my eyes swelled up, my heart stopped. I couldn't even speak.

“I-I…...I will…” I let out a whisper. He smiled and gave me a tight hug signaling that he heard me. I let a smile form on my face, truly happy for the first time these past weeks. Maybe he can show me otherwise…


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