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Hikaru pov

We were at host club, me and Kaoru were entertaining ladies.

“Oh Kaoru, have I ever told you how much I love staring into your eyes.”

“But we have the same eyes Hikaru. How are any different?”

“Well,” I grabbed the back of his head, pulling him close to my face and put my other arm around his lower waist, “Because they always have this sparkle that make them look like the shine of polished gold.”

“OH SUCH BROTHERLY LOVE!!” the girls screamed, squealing.

“Oh Hikaru, you always know what to say to make me feel better.” He blushed a light pink. I broke away from my brother to snoop around for something fun to do. Then I spotted Akuma. This is going to be fun… I walked over to her, her back was turned so I got an opening. I slyly drapped my left over her shoulder, a smirk plastered on my face.

“Hello there beautiful, it seems like your lost. Allow me to direct you to my bedroom, where I put all my lost toys.”

“I'm never lost when I'm with you two,” then Kaoru came around to the other side and put his arm around her waist.

“Hikaru, don't forget that you have to share...”

“Oh don't worry, we can share. As long as we switch places now and then so we all have a chance to play.”

Haruhi’s pov

I was with Charlotte and Honey-senpai. Honey was eating cake and Charlie was just drinking green tea. She was silent.

“Are you alright Charlie-chan?” Honey asked her.

“A little down, but don't worry about me Honey.”

“You know if anything is bothering you can always talk to us.” I said

“I wouldn't think you understand.” she merely replied in a whisper. I looked at her in a frown. What could be making her so sad?

“Aww don't be like that! How about more cake to make you happy!”

“No thanks Honey, I'm not hungry anymore.”

“Then how about holding Usa-chan. That always makes me happy.”

“If it doesn't bother you, then sure.”

“Hehe! It doesn't bother me at all!” He then handed the bunny over to her. She hugged her tightly, bringing her up to her face. Her face was clearly distressed, and sad.

“Usa-chan will cheer you right up.”

“ It will take some time Honey-senpai. It seems she has been through some tough times.”

“Usa-chan is helping a bit though” She merely whispered.

“Well you can use Usa-chan anytime you need too! Just ask first okay?”

“Thank you Honey, honestly it helps a lot.” She replied with a small smile.

“Now we’re talking! Look at our Haruhi and Honey-senpai making a guest happy!” Tamaki exclaimed.

“Senpai...” my eye twitched. And just when Charlotte was feeling slightly better.

“How about a dance, host with guest?”

“Tamaki I don’t think that’s the greatest idea you’ve had in a lifetime.”

“It would be a fantastic idea! we will have a ball here, tomorrow at five.”

“I won’t go.” She merely said.

“Aww! And why not!” Tamaki dramatically posed, “It will be a ball of a lifetime, there will be music, beautiful ladies such as yourself.” he begins to whispers to himself. “ And I get to see Mack in a beautiful elegant dress… hehehe!” Dumbass…

“I could just have someone play music for me at home. Mack and Akuma can go,I won’t stop them. Don’t expect me to go though.”

“I HEARD MY NAME WHATS GOING ON?!” she yelled. How did she hear us?! She’s at the other side of the room!

“Well my sweet, we were talking about having a ball. Right here tomorrow.”

“We are?” said the twins as all three walked over to us.

“That we are!” What is with all this yelling!

“And I am not going.” Charlotte announced.

“C’mon it will be fun Charlie! Me and Usa-chan will be there for you.” Honey spoke.

“I’m not sure if Father will let me Honey. He…” she trailed off.

“L-Let me deal w-with him, I can t-think of a-an excuse.” Mackenzie said.

“He’ll find one for me not to go. He already threatened to leave me out in the streets for last night.”

“You gotta be kidding me…” Akuma sounded mad. Charlotte shook her head.

“He said everything would go to you both, and he’ll just abandon me on the streets. That I’m the one who has to know better, since I’m his only blood related child.” Akuma started to mumble somethings I couldn’t understand. Even the twins were confused. Probably just cursing.

“We promised to do everything in our power to make a guest happy. So Charlotte, we are getting you to this ball!” Tamaki exclaimed.

“How will you ever get past the guards of my mansion? Father made sure they don't let me out. I can't even ride my horse without one of them guarding me.”

“I can get you a ride don't worry. Just wait till tomorrow and let everything unfold my dear.”

“I-I…..” she was speechless.“......Thank you….” Charlie merely whispered.

“Anything for a guest’s happiness.” Tamaki smiled.

“You do realize that there is not only security cameras, but also there is trained guards who scan around the premises.” Kyoya said.

    “We’ll find a way!” Tamaki said.

    “Thank you!” Charlotte hugged him.

“Now all we need is a map. Sorry to do this but, Macky dear, may I borrow you layout of your home?” Kyoya asked. Mackenzie nodded her head. She went into her bookbag and pulled out a folded piece of paper.

    “H-Hear it is.” she said.

    “Thank you,” he took the paper and unfolded it, “Now all we have to do is follow these blueprints and we can get Charlotte out and ready for the ball.” We started to map out a plan for tomorrow night. This is going to be one hell of adventure. The plan was set. We all went our separate ways. I hope nothing bad happens...


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