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Charlotte’s pov

    That good for nothing son of a bitch! That arse should just drop dead I swear!! It’s like he’s doing it on purpose! He is! I swear if I ever see that bloody man near me again I will set him on fire and feed his remains to the dogs! Better yet, throw him out of a bloody window!

“You know, that sinister look doesn't look good on you.” I look around to find the voice to see it was Haruhi, the twins with him. He sounds feminine...odd...

“He should know better than to push a lady’s buttons.” I replied, pushing my hair back a bit.

“Well a lady like you should be treated with respect.” Kaoru said.

“Or maybe you're jealous that he's giving all of his attention to your sister and not you.” Hikaru responded with a suggestive smirk.

“Why would I be jealous of an indecent man who can’t clearly filter his mouth?!” I raised my voice once again. They looked at each other before responding at the same time.

“Because maybe you're in love with him!”

“Now that you think about, it could be possible.” Haruhi thought.

“Why I ought to-!” Hikaru and Kaoru both wrapped their arms around my shoulders.

“C’mon Charlotte, if you look at it our way,” Hikaru started, “You would see he’s a great guy.” Kaoru finished

”Well obviously I don’t. Nothing will change my mind.”

“Not even his silky raven hair?” Hikaru suggested.


“Or his deep brown-grey eyes? That shine in the sun or when they look at….you?” Kaoru was persuading

“Look...at...me? Why me?”

“Because he loves you of course, why else. He may act tsundere but that's just how he is to something he truly loves.” The twins took turns telling me things about Kyoya’s appearance and it was overwhelming, I was flushed pink. I still refused to believe it.

“Okay that's enough, I think she's going to die of embarrassment.” Haruhi spoke up. The twins broke up from me with smirks. “Are you alright Charlotte?”

“Honestly those two should have filters on their mouths.” I replied, trying to calm myself down.

“Tell me about… Anyway! Are you coming to the host club today? We are serving other ladies like yourself so we will have limited time to talk.”

“No. Father requested that I go home immediately. He has a business deal and we all have to be there, dressed up and polite.” I merely replied.

“Well I hope everything goes well, maybe we can talk tomorrow then.”

    “Perhaps. Farewell.” I merely said and left. School soon ended, and we all went home. I said hello to father and mother, and left to my room to choose a dress. After I did I headed over to Mack’s room.

    “Hello Mackenzie.”

    “H-Hi Charlotte.”

    “Do you want any help to choose a dress? We have to dress up as we’re to go on a party. It’s one of the things we have to do when guest arrive that aren’t family.”

“Yes I-I do. I don't k-know much a-about fashion.” she turned a light pink.

“Don’t worry. I’ll help you.” I said. I helped her pick out a dress. She ended up wearing a short red dress to her knees that was a small V cut and sleeves to her forearms with silver flats and her hair slightly curled I headed over to my room. I walked into my closet, looking around a bit before deciding on a faded blue strapless dress that hugged my torso before flowing down loosely. My sleeves, which were seperate, where sustained by an elastic strap embroidered  mid upper arm and was loose, stopping at my elbow. I wore closed heels a similar color, and a diamond necklace. I then pressed my dark brown-almost black hair into curls, adding a diamond hear clip on my right side. I added some minimal makeup, looking at myself in the mirror before letting a deep sigh come out. Just suffer through it like normal I’m sure you’ll be fine. Besides, it’s not him.

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