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Kyoya's pov

As we were riding back, Charlotte was next to me quiet. Mackenzie was next to her father up ahead, they were talking in hushed voices. What I found odd was that every word I heard from her was not in a stutter. I know that she has spoken like that before, but that was all an act, right? Akuma was talking with the twins, but I can clearly hear what they were saying. Tamaki, Haruhi, Honey, and Mori were conversating between themselves, Mori not so much. Half an hour has past and Charlotte has still not talked, she still hasn't even lifted her head! I had decided that enough was enough and kicked my horse to be next to Mr. Osborne.

"Sir, do you think I could speak with you?"

"Why yes, what about?"

"Your daughter, Charlotte." he straightened in his spot.

"What do you want with my eldest daughter, boy?" The way he said 'boy' held venom.

"I would like to court-excuse me, I would like to date your daughter." I gave a sly smile.

"Why would that be?" his tone changed completely. "Why would someone in your status want to be with someone like my daughter?"

"Then let me rephrase what I said earlier, I am dating your daughter." his eyes went wide with shock and he seemed to choke on his own spit. I heard a squeak of surprise to the right of him and decided to give it a look. There I saw Macky. Oh no... We haven't told anyone we were dating so I got on the defensive and just spilled to her father and Macky. I'm so dead.

"You inconsiderate boy! If I had known any better, I would have had you arranged to marry Mackenzie!" my eyes widened. Me. Married to Mackenzie...

"F-Father... I-I don't t-think-"

"Speak regularly! Stop hiding your secret!" Secret?! So her speaking normally wasn't a lie?! He suddenly turned towards her in sudden anger. "Do you know about this?!"

"No! I-I didn't! I swear to you." He let out a growl and turned towards me with furry hidden in his eyes.

"I will talk to your father. Don't think I will let her and you go off so easily." he gave me a stone cold glare and rode ahead, leaving me with Macky. I looked at her and she stared back.

"What, do I have something on my face?"

"No... it's just. I'm surprised you can speak normally." She sighed and looked ahead.

"Please. Don't get used to it. I hide this part of myself for a reason and I don't want to drag anyone else into it." She kicked the side of her horse to move faster. What she said will forever haunt me in my memories.

Charlotte's pov

I was scared now. Father doesn't really want to want to acknowledge me anymore. It's almost like if he's acting like I don't exist anymore. He acknowledges Akuma and Mackenzie though, mostly Mack. I tried to go and ride, yet I couldn't find Spirit. Father must have moved him to his stables, although I don't know how he got him there. He hates Father, and often nearly stomps on him. He only trusts me. I'm already fearing the worst. I had never seen father like this...except for one time. I don't want to think about it. The next few days I would go over to the Host Club, just to ignore my worries for now. Mostly about father. Halloween had been coming up, and as always it was an opportunity for Tamaki to make a big competition. Besides, exams are done.

"Now it's time for the spooks and scares of the Halloween night!"

"Already?!?" I asked. "What's the Host club going to do to celebrate halloween?"

"Why, we will have a haunted house!!"

"Senpai, really. Already?" said Haruhi.

"Why of course!"

3 Kids, 1 Host Club (Ouran High School Host Club Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now