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Mackenzie’s pov

I walked down the halls trying to find my class, eventually I found it after some time. As I walked in I saw someone who I thought I wouldn't see in my class. The black haired male with glasses. I looked around the room as fate would have it, the only seats available were near him. Seems he is someone of a high status. I took the seat in front of him, but as I sat he spoke.

“It seems you are in this class, a first year?” I just stayed silent. “You are going to be amusing.”

“I w-wouldn’t underestimate your oppon-nent.” I managed to say.

“Well see, even your sisters are going to be fun to be around if your here.” Soon enough the teacher came signaling the class has started.

Kyoya’s pov

Now this is going to be interesting, having one of the Osborne siblings in my class. Who knew the most recent adopted was this intelligent. I only know so much about her, but more about her other sisters. Especially that loud mouth Charlotte.

“I-I feel you staring, are you a-alright?”

“It none of your concern Mackenzie. Your name is too long, can I call you Macky.”


“Oh good then, I can. So we are friends. Here is my phone number,” I handed her a card with my information, “I'll see around school or when we can work on a project together.” Befriending her can help my father's company. Or even myself on learning more about these loud mouths. Class was first over then school, so host club has officially began. I made my way over there only to see Tamaki and the rest. I just sighed and walked over to them.

“What are you doing?”

“Mommy! You have finally arrived!”

“That’s not an explanation Tamaki.”

“Well today I met someone fun, so I invited them to hangout. She had a different uniform than the other girls, which I thought was weird, but who cares.”

“Um senpai I think-” started Haruhi but was cut off.

“Look! There she is! And oh, she brought friends. How lovely. More the merrier. We can all play those commoner games you play Haruhi!” I turned around and gave a heavy sigh. Tamaki you idiot.  

“Akuma I thought I told you I didn’t want to come back here!!!” yelled Charlotte, I believe.

“Welcome ladies! I hope your time here will be well spent!”

“Yay! Now I can give you the cake I saved for you!” Honey ran to get the cake, with Mori following close behind.

“U-Uh I don’t think t-that’s n-necessary,” she said.

“Of course it is my dear, we are giving you the full host privilege.”

“Tamaki, how do you not remember these girls, they were here yesterday. The one glaring at you gave you a concussion.”

“Glad I left a mark on him” she responded obviously not caring.

“Now what about it, I don't care. They seem like kind people oddly enough.”

“That’s not the point….” I gave a sigh. It’s hopeless with him.

“What about you,” Kaoru spoke, “Yea, how do you feel about this?” Hikaru finished.

“Oh I feel very fine~” Akuma said.

“Honestly you're all idiots.” I said. Honey-Senpai brought her the cake, inviting her to sit down.

“H-Honestly I-I don’t think this is a good idea!”

“And I agree with you fully.”

“Why are you both such downers. Especially such a lovely.. lady...like…you..” Tamaki’s words trailed off as he stared at Macky or Mackenzie.

“I-I-I…. um…. th-thanks?” Macky said.

“Tamaki?” I said.

“Y-es?!” Tamaki responded.

“This is my friend, Mackenzie.” I said. He quickly composed himself and took her hand kissing it. Glancing at her face it was a light pink. Charlotte threw me a glare, saying ‘I will kill you’.

“Hello my delicate rose. Your eyes are like gold waiting to be taken by a handsome pirate. Maybe that pirate will be me?”

“I-I-I uh….. ” Macky said. I heard laughter. I looked over, to my surprise, to see Charlotte laughing with Honey senpai. Well this is the first time I see her smile.

“Is that so?!”

“Yup, it’s fun here. We do lots of things!”

“What else do you do here?!” she asked curious.

“We dress up! We talk to girls. We eat sweets.”

“Only you eat the sweets.” Mori said. I continued to look around and spotted the twins with Akuma. Something I wish I could unsee.

“My, you have soft lips my dear,” Kaoru was wrapped around her right touching her bottom lip, “They seem to be very, very lonely. Would they like to met mine and my brothers?”

“Want to give them a taste?” she said as she wrapped her arms around him. Then  Hikaru came the same way as Kaoru on her left stroking her hair.

“Your hair is so soft,” he then went to touch her skin, “But not as soft as your skin. I hope your skin and mine could met one one day, or maybe tonight.”

“Now, now boys. We must have patients.” she then wrapped her other arm around him. Those three kept getting closer but by now they were whispering things I could not hear. Disgusting. I turned away. I turned back to Charlotte. She was playing around with Usa-chan, Honey smiling. She then gave him back to Honey.

“Couldn’t you spare a chocolate? Just for me?” She asked.

“Of course! I'll be right back!” Honey ran to the back leaving Mori to trail behind. Haruhi came over and started to talk to her, keeping her company. I can still hear Tamaki’s failed attempts to get Macky to speak. She stopped speaking a while ago. She looked extremely flustered to the point of passing out.

“Tamaki, leave the poor girl alone. Can't you see she is not interested.” I asked. He froze in a kneeling potion with his left hand on his heart and right extended to her.

“But she is a beauty that must be praised. Her hair black like the night sky, eyes shining like polished bells, and a body like-” she made a sound of embarrassment.

“I've heard enough, are we going to play these commoner games or not?!”

“Ah! Your right! I was so distracted by Mack’s beauty I completely forgot.” I sighed.

“You already gave her a nickname?”

“Yes, why not. She is someone worth befriending.”

“D-don’t I get a-a say in this….” I looked to see the shy girl raise a small hand.

“Of course you do my dear.” he went to kiss her hand.

“Tamaki, the game…”

“Oh that's right!” He turned and clapped his hands to get everyone's attention, which it did. “Everyone! To the school's garden!”


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