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Mackenzie’s pov

I didn't see neither one of my sisters, it was odd. I already got to dance with Mori, he was pretty tall and kept looking at Honey who was eating the cake. After that I was just standing around, then Honey came over to talk to me.

“Hi Macky-san!”

“H-Hello Honey.”

“Why are you here alone? Where are your sisters Akuma-chan and Charlie-chan?”

“I-I don’t know Hon-” I was cut off by none other than the president of the host club, Tamaki.

“What do you mean by ‘alone’ Honey-senpai?”

“Oh um, Mackenzie was standing here all alone so I came to give her company.” Honey said with a big smile.

“Wait! How is that possible!”

“My s-sisters disappeared somewhere, I-I don't have a-a clue where…”

“Hmm how strange, Kyoya and the twins disappeared as well. Honey, can you and Mori go find them and bring them back?”

“T-that is n-not-”

“Sure! Mori! We have to go play hide-and-seek with a few people!” And with Honey on Mori’s shoulders, that left me alone with Tamaki. The music changed and a hand came into my view.

“Care to dance my flower?” I gave him a smile and took his hand. He guided me across the floor and we began to what I think dance. I was still new to the rich life so Tamaki was leading me all the way. I kept stuttering out small ‘sorrys’ when I stepped on his foot. He would just laugh and continue dancing.

“Are you enjoying yourself?”

“I-If you re-ecall me stepping o-on your feet ‘enjoying’ t-then, yes.” he laughed while I gave a small giggle of sorts. He stopped and turned a soft pink.

“You truly are adorable, you know that?”

“I-I… w-well th-thank you. No one has e-ever said that t-to me.”

“Really? Well they should say it for often. Your stutter is adorable. It suits your shy personality.”

“T-Tamaki you flirt too m-much.”

“Wait, what?!”

”B-Because if you d-don’t stop n-now, there won't be any left of you for me.” I went from my shy to my secret persona.(*those who don't get it; all the girls he flirts with and then he runs out of words to say to get the girl.)

“Whoa...” he said with a red face. I blushed almost the same amount. I couldn't believe I did that!! I looked at him, he just smiled and pulled me in closer by the waist. I gave him a smile back and did something bold, I gave him a kiss on the cheek. As I pulled away, I looked at his face to see a mixture of shock and happiness. But his blush increased, and I think so did mine. He looked at me with a big grin plastered on his face, I had to smile back. Soon we were laughing for no reason at all.

Charlotte's pov

For the rest of the night we all enjoyed ourselves. We all were in each others company, laughing and having fun for once, which was a big stress reliever. Something we really needed. Some hours passed and me and my sisters needed to go home before our father suspected something was up. I gave Kyoya a hug goodbye and found my sisters waiting at the exit of the ballroom for me.

“A-Are you ready t-to leave?” asked Mackenzie.

“Yes, I am ready.”

“So am I.” Akuma said. We walked outside and Akuma called a taxi. Once it got here we got in and it drove us a block away from our house. We paid the driver and began walking. I began to feel worried. What if father found out we left and was nowhere near the mansion? What would he do to my sisters if he found out if they covered me? What if… what if this is the final straw? With all these thoughts running through my head, we made it home. As we opened the front door father was the one to greet us at the door.

3 Kids, 1 Host Club (Ouran High School Host Club Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now