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"Attention all units: fugitive suspect spotted at Grand and 17th."

Lainey's brown eyes snapped open, staring at the black square-shaped device. She could almost imagine the sound of the wailing and blaring siren. Maybe they even sent Police dogs after that person. But no matter what was happening, she knew they didn't have much time and if they wanted to act, they had to do it immediately.

The male's voice over the radio snapped her out of her thoughts again, "Unit 2325 responding."

"John, we have a situation," She called loudly. She knew he probably could have heard her without even raising her voice, but with all the police scanners and the screens in the room, she didn't want to take any chances. Seeing John rush to the room just a few seconds later wasn't much of a surprise to her, considering she knew how fast he could be.

"What's going on?"

"A mutant escaped the police. They're not that far from here but by the sound of it, we don't have much time," Lainey said quickly, watching as John brushed a hand through his dark, long hair, seeming slightly conflicted. Although every trace of conflict she thought she had seen, was gone in a blink of an eye.

"I'll go get Lorna and Marcos," He quickly said and turned around towards the exit.

The brown-eyed girl quickly jumped from the chair she had been sitting on for the last hour and walked towards him. "John-"

"Stay here and keep us updated, Lainey," And with somewhat cold stare towards the brunette girl, he left the room.

Lainey let out an annoyed sigh, slightly grumbling to herself. He still wouldn't give her a chance to prove herself.

"Lainey, is everything okay between you and John?" Sage, the only other person who was in the room along with Lainey, asked curiously. Sage probably noticed the not-so-subtle tense between the two. It really wasn't so hard to notice, though, since Lainey and John usually got along quite well.

"We had a fight last night," Lainey answered, looking at Sage. "I want to go with them, but John is not so fond of the idea. I just don't get it, why he doesn't trust me enough to let me go out there? Lorna says I'm ready,"

"I'm sure it's not that. John just cares too much about you, he doesn't want you to get hurt," Sage replied, trying to comfort the brunette. But if anything, it just made her angrier.

"I'm almost eighteen, I can take care of myself!" Lainey answered sharply, putting her hands on her hips in hopes to make herself seem more confident and mature.

"Almost eighteen?" Sage raised her eyebrow, staring skeptically yet curiously at the girl in front of her.

"Minus twenty-four months," Lainey muttered, crossing her arms now. Sage let out a laugh and stared amusedly at Lainey.

"It does sound a little better when you say it like that," Sage joked and turned back to the screen in front of her, checking to see if there were any updates. It was all they did nowadays. Made sure no one unwanted got too close to Headquarters, checked any updates on the news or the police scanners, saw if they were nearby mutants who needed help, sent John outside, repeat. ֲ

"I mean what's the point of having these abilities if I can't use them to help those who need us," Lainey complained. From the corner of her eye, she saw another police chase that was broadcasted on the news.

"Lainey," Sage faced the sixteen-year-old girl again, "I'm sure he knows what he's doing. Just trust him,"

Lainey closed her eyes, feeling more frustrated than ever. She couldn't stay inside of the Mutant Underground Headquarters forever. Yes, it was the place she called home for more than two years, but she needed to get out there. She liked helping Sage with tracking mutants and helping them, but being stuck inside made her feel so useless. It made her feel so powerless while she knew she could use her abilities to help.

Little did she know that a certain family with two mutants siblings would change all that, way sooner than she thought.


Hey everyone! So this is my first The Gifted fanfiction and I'm very excited. I really hope you guys like it and sorry for any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language. 

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