Chapter Four ; eXit Strategy

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author note: unedited


The dark streets were almost empty, illuminated by the dim light of the street lamps. The fourteen-years-old-girl walked quickly, her hood covering her face. Despite walking on those streets many many times before, she had never felt so lost.

She opened the door to the building, remembering clearly the last time she had been there. In a heartbeat, she rushed up the stairs to the second floor. Standing in front of the familiar black-colored wooden door, she lowered her hood, finally exposing herself. She shakily raised her hand towards the door and knocked.

She waited anxiously a few minutes before a click sound was heard. The door opened, revealing a sleepy-looking elder woman. She was wearing a light blue pajama and her silver hair was messy, meaning she had just woken up. Although, any trace of drowsiness completely disappeared once the elder woman realized who was standing in front of her.

Immediately, the elder went to slam the door closed but the girl was quick to act and put her foot in the door, preventing it from closing. Realizing that the girl was not going to give up, the elder woman let go of the door, rushing back into her apartment with a look that could only be described as utter fear.

"Get out of here!" The woman exclaimed as the brunette girl entered the small apartment.

"Please, I need help, Grandma—" Lainey pleaded, hoping that somehow her grandmother would be able to help.

"Don't call me that! You killed them!" Her grandmother cut her off, looking at the teenage girl with nothing but disgust, terror and hate.

Lainey's face paled at the mention of her family, "I-I didn't—" She started but once again was interrupted.

"You monster!" The elder woman roared, "You killed my daughter! You killed your father and your own brother!"

Every fiber of Lainey's body wanted to scream at the woman back. To tell her it wasn't her fault. But, Lainey didn't know that, and deep inside there was this constant voice which whispered that it was her fault. Instead, she just whispered back, "Please, I have no one else to turn to,"

The furniture in the apartment began to tremble slightly, but Lainey couldn't feel it since she herself was shaking so much.

"Get out!" The woman yelled again, showing no mercy or compassion to her grandchild. Before Lainey knew it, the woman had thrown something at her, missing Lainey's head by only a few inches and hitting the wall behind her. It was a small framed picture that had been taken only a few weeks ago; on Lainey's 14th birthday.

She was in that picture, smiling brightly along with her mother, father and brother. They looked so happy in that picture.

Now, she felt like that picture; Broken. Shattered. Crushed.

From the corner of her eye, she saw her grandmother screaming again, but Lainey couldn't hear a thing. Ignoring the throbbing pain she felt when the glass pieces cut and stabbed her fingers, Lainey took the picture out of the broken frame. The last reminder she had of her family.

She turned away from the last person she'd considered family for so long and she took off, running into the night. She was on her own now.



Lainey didn't realize she was staring at the picture in her hands for so long until Clarice called her and told her John was gathering everyone. Knowing that it would probably be important, Lainey placed the picture back in her pocket and followed Clarice.

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