Chapter One ; eXposed

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Lainey knew something was really wrong the moment John, Marcos and a green-eyed woman she had never seen before stormed into the Headquarters. Lainey's eyes widened when she saw Marcos holding his right arm tightly as a bright gold-like liquid emitted from his injury. She rushed downstairs towards the three, her hand instinctively going upwards to examine the wound, but she immediately drew it back knowing it would burn her.

"What happened?" Lainey panicked, turning to face John to get some answers. Only then she noticed the absence of a certain person, "Where is Lorna?"

"She was taken by the police," John shortly answered, pushing Marcos from the entrance of the building into a nearby room. Lainey followed them into the room.

"What? How?" Lainey glanced back at Marcos who looked like he was about to lose it. She knew Marcos loved Lorna more than anything and would do everything to keep her safe. Things must have gone terribly wrong if they had to leave her behind.

"There were too many cops, we had to get out of there," John started to patch Marcos' injury up. He looked at Lainey from over his shoulder, "Can you go and help Sage with the new girl?"

Knowing it wouldn't do any good to stay and argue about Lorna (and because Lainey knew Marcos could handle this on his own), she nodded and went to find Sage. It wasn't so hard to find them considering that the building was not that big. Not so far from the room she'd just been with John and Marcos, she found Sage near the entrance and in front of her was the green-eyed woman she seen.

"Hey," She greeted Sage shortly. Sage looked slightly worried, she probably heard about what happened. Lainey turned to the woman in front of them, "I'm Lainey and I guess you already met Sage," She introduced.

"Yeah," The woman nodded, giving a tight smile. Lainey noticed the woman was slightly shaking, goosebumps spreading over her bare arms. It was probably freezing out there and who knew how long she had been on the run.

"You're shaking, let's get you inside," Lainey offered and the three found an available place to sit. "Do you want something warm to drink, maybe tea?"

"That would be nice," The woman smiled and Lainey could see it was a genuine smile, not forced like before.

"I'll be right back," Sage nodded and went to find some tea.

"So, what is this place?" The woman asked Lainey as she looked around and observed the Headquarters.

"It actually used to be a bank. The place had been abandoned for three years, ever since Oakwood. Lorna and John found this place and it became Underground Headquarters." Lainey answered, "It's a bit broken and dusty, but it's home for some of us,"

The woman opened her mouth to say something, but before she could Sage came back with a cup of tea. She handed it to the woman and sat next to Lainey. "So, we never got your name,"

"Some people call me Blink, but it's actually Clarice," She told Lainey and Sage.

"So, Clarice is your real name?" Sage asked just to make sure.

"Yep." Clarice nodded.

"Anyone we should contact? Family?" Sage suggested.

"No. My family..." Clarice shook her head and trailed off, "It's complicated."

Lainey sadly understood. Many people didn't accept people and treated them in an awful way. Marcos once told Lainey that when he was thirteen his powers manifested for the first time and he was kicked out by his parents. He had to live on the streets. The world was a terrible place for Mutants, especially after the X-Men and the Brotherhood disappeared.

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