Chapter 1: Oh, How I Love Tea.

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Best friends. They’re the best aren’t they? I think so. I have a best friend. His name is Tom Parker. Some of you might have heard of him? Some of you may have not. Who knows? Well, maybe you do… I don’t know. Anyway, just to tell you the history of me and TomTom, so you’re not confused or anything. That’s the last thing I want you to be. 

So, Tom and I have been friends since we were little. I was five and he was seven. A boy stole my teddy bear, scratch that, my favorite teddy bear, Mr. Scribbles, (don’t judge, I was five, and my vocabulary wasn’t the best.) and so Tom, being the very caring fellow he is, stole it back, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. He was the big brother I never had. Everything was great, until my dad died in a car accident on his way home from work one day. My mom had a huge breakdown, and said, “We’re moving to America! Pack your stuff, we’re leaving in a week.” I broke down then, along with Tom. We didn’t want to leave, but with my Mom being American, and her family there, we had too I guess. On my twenty first birthday, which was a few months ago, I moved back to the UK, and into London, with my other best friend. My girl best friend, because you can’t just have a boy best friend, cause won’t talk to you about boys, periods and all that other fun female stuff. Anyway, I moved in with Ashlee, my best friend from Bolton. And so, here we are. Now, uh, on with my story, since you kind of get the point.

“Hello?” I said, putting my blackberry up to my ear, walking into the café. 

“Tanya!” A familiar Bolton accent shouted down the phone. 

“Tom, keep it down. You keep doing that when I answer the phone, then I’m going to be deaf.” I grinned into the phone, and stood behind a man in the café line. I peeked up at the menu.

“Well, you should be used to it.” He laughed his infectious, sometimes annoying laugh. I rolled my eyes. “So, I was thinking around noon, to come over and see you. I got the afternoon off, and tomorrow, and why not catch up with my best friend!”

“I would love that Tommy boy.”

“Great! You can meet my boy band.” He chuckled.

“I still don’t believe you’re in a boy band. They’re so… last century.”

“Says the Justin Timberlake lover.”

“Hey, he’s hot, and made a career after being in the stupid boy band.” I laughed. I looked around the man in front of me, and the woman at the register was handing him his drink. I tapped my foot a bit.

“I’m hot.” 

“Your full of yourself.” 

“Anyway,” He sighed. “I can’t wait to see you. It’s been too long.”

“I know. I’ve missed you.” I smiled, and sighed, and the man in front of me turned around quickly, and tripped on something, I think it was his own two feet, and his drink went onto my shirt. “Fuck!” I shouted, as the hot liquid went through my shirt and onto my skin. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

“What?! What happened?!” Tom said down the phone, worried.

“Some guy spilt coffee on me or whatever…” I winced. “I gotta go. See you at noon.” I pressed the red end call button and shoved the phone into my pocket. I pulled my shirt from my stomach. I looked at the guy, who grabbed some napkins.

“I’m so sorry! Really, I’m a klutz!” I grabbed some napkins and dabbed them on my soaked shirt. I gave him a weak smile.

“It’s fine. Never really liked this shirt anyway.” He laughed, and scratched his head, that was covered in brown golden curls. 

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