Chapter 11: Night Jay.

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Jay’s POV.

Dinner was quiet. So quiet that if you made the smallest sound, everyone would give you the death stare. Tanya poked her pasta. I haven’t seen her take a one bite since dinner started thirty minutes ago. Grace kept eyeing Tanya, and exchanging looks with Jeff.

“So, how’s everybody’s day going?” Tom asked. Everybody looked at him like they were gonna kill him.

“Fantastic.” Tanya muttered sarcastically.

“My day was great.” Bridget smiled. “There was this great sale on shoes today at the mall. I got these cute pumps. They’re like, purple and so go with me. Because I feel like purple is my color. It’s just so pretty, kinda like me and it looks good on me. I just find it to be the-”

“Can you shut up.” Tanya said, looking at Bridget.

“Why?” She asked, looking at Tanya clueless.

“Cause I really don’t want to hear about your shoes. I would rather be hit by a bus.”

“Tanya..” Grace muttered.

“So, you went to school together?” Tom asked. Tanya shot Tom a look.

“Mate, you need better questions.” Siva said, looking at Tanya and then Bridget.

“OMG! Yes, it was amazing. We were like, best friends-”

“No we weren’t.”

“And we like did everything together. We went shopping-”

“We never went shopping together.”

“And we would go out on double dates-”

“I would never go on a double date with you.”

“And then we used to have sleep overs, and did out hair-”

“I never let you touch my hair.”

“And we did our nails-”

“I’ve never even been to your house.”

“Then gossip about boys we liked-”

“I never told you who I liked.”

“And yeah, just the bestest friends!” Bridget squealed, not noticing one bit of Tanya’s commenting.

“Well, this is an interesting first dinner as a family.” Grace sighed, picking up her plate.

“We are not a family.” Tanya said.

“Tanya! Maybe you could help with the dishes. Jeff, if you would. Maybe let the rest of them bond.” Grace said, which made Tanya groan. They left the room, and everyone was quiet.

“So, how are you?” Siva asked, trying to make conversation. The nice one being him.

“Are your cheekbones real?” Bridget asked, looking at them, from across the table.

Siva looked at us. “Uh, yeah..”

“So do you have a girlfriend?” She asked.

“Yes I do. She’s amazing and-”

“Damn.” She sighed, then looked at Max. “Why are you bald?”

“I’m not bald. I shaved-”

“You have no hair.” She said matter of factly. “Do you have like cancer or something?”


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