Chapter 18: You're A Horrible Eavesdropper.

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My mom pulled the door open, and tilted her head towards it, signaling for me to go first. I walked outside, Bridget following me, then my mother, pulling the door closed with a slight slam that made me cringe deep down inside. I closed my eyes for a second, walking to the car, praying to some kind of higher being for my mom not to yell at me or anything.

I made my way to the trunk of the car, and stood there waiting for her. It felt like she was taking her time, knowing that it was annoying me and making me nervous. Why do parents always have to do that? They just know how to push your buttons, or freak you out, or practically make you crap your pants. They’re evil. They are. They just are. Jeeze.

She came to the trunk and crossed her arms, looking at me with that look that all mothers know how to give. The one that tells you to explain yourself, say sorry, just do whatever they want. That cruel, cruel look. I sighed, as Bridget stood next to her. Having a sort of, satisfied look on her face. “What?” I asked.

My mom stayed quiet for a bit, thinking it over or wondering where to start. “I haven’t liked your attitude lately Tanya.”

“My attitude?”

“Yes, attitude.” She snapped, furrowing her brows. I lifted mine.

“And how has my attitude been?”

Her brown eyes flashed toward Bridget, then me. “Towards Bridget, rude.” I looked at Bridget then my mom.

“I haven’t done anything to her …”

“You’ve been rude, and making her feel bad.”

I let out a laugh which got me a scowl from my mom. I put my hands up, trying to get this through. “I’m sorry, I’ve been hurting Bridget’s feelings? Bridget has feelings? What?!

“Tanya,” She sighed, rubbing her left temple with her forefinger and middle finger. “You’re being rude.”

“Very rude! I’m so depressed. I could like, jump off a bridge or something because of you.” Bridget sniffed. I shrugged, which made my mother groan my name, and Bridget fake a gasp.

“This is what I mean.” She sighed. “I would like you two to get along, until after this wedding. I have the stress of the wedding, I don’t need the step sibling rivalry going on.”

“It’s not my fault she’s a doorknob!” I hissed. She rubbed both her temples. 

“Just, if you don’t behave for the next two weeks I’ll ….” She trailed off, thinking of what to say.

“Make you not date.” Bridget suggested.

“I’m not twelve.” I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t know, just be nice. Show her around, help her with things, let her be friends with the boys and Ash. Just be nice.”

“What if the boys and Ashlee don’t want to be her friend….?” I asked.

“Everyone wants to be my friend.” Bridget said flipping her hair over her shoulder. I opened my mouth but my mom gave me a look and I shut it.

“Be nice. Hang out with the boys and Ashlee with Bridget. Do something that will make you bond.”



“I should get to know the boys better.” Bridget smiled to my mom. My eyes narrowed. “They seem really nice, like the one with cancer-”


“The little one-”


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