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I walk in the pizzeria happier than ever before. The kids were behaving so I walk over to Mike. "Shifty you seem happy." Mike chuckled.

"I do?" I giggled. Then a kid with blonde hair, green eyes, and pale skin came up to us crying. My expression changed immediately.

"What wrong kid?" I asked.

"M-my mommy left me here alone." The kid with blonde hair cried.

"Okay, what's your name then tell me your mommy's name okay?" I asked. He nodded and then I knelt down.

"My name is Johnny and my mommy's name is Stephanie," Johnny whispered. I nodded putting out my hand to him.

"My name is Shifty. Come with me for a sec." I smiled. Johnny nodded and took my hand. I walked us to the stage and I help him up. Everyone looked at me with either a scared or mad.

I take Freddy's mic, "Okay I will call your mom and see if she's searching for you" I whisper to Johnny. He nods. I clear my throat and open my mouth.

"Umm, I need Stephanie to come to the main stage. Your child in here." I state. Everyone muttered and then one of the kids yells

"She's in the arcade looking for him!!" I nodded as thanks and gave Freddy him mic back. I hopped off stage and grabbed Johnny down. We walk over to the arcade.

Johnny grabs my leg I smiled at him. "Umm, is a mother looking for her child?" I asked the employee. He looks up and chuckles at me.

"Well, well, well look what the cat dragged in." He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"Can you just answer my question," I stated. He nods to the left. I roll my eyes again and walk to the left. Johnny looks back at the employee as he "checks me out" Johnny lets go of my leg and runs up to a lady hugging her leg.

"Mama!!!" He yelled.

"Johnny?" She said as she hugged him carrying him out of the arcade I smiled happy that they were back together.

I start to walk out the employee grabbed my arm. I look at him and grumbled. He smiles and looked at his phone 11:55. He whistled and the teens looked up from there games and stopped the conversations.

"Yes, Mr. Bishop?" They say in unison. I blinked twice with amazement. He smirks "Time to close the arcade." They nodded and basically rushed out.

"Wow you sure have those kid-" I started. He put a finger to my lips.

"I want to show you something. Come on," he moved over towards the doorway. When I didn't move he grabbed my hand and dragged me along.

"Where are we going?" I groaned as we wandered through hallways.

He stopped and I crashed into him. "Watch it girl and stay quiet."

I rolled my eyes but did as he said. I peeked around his arm and saw we were in a room that had a clear view of the stage. "What are we doing? We could just go talk to them you know." I whispered.

"Just shut up," he whispered with a dismissive wave of his hand. I huffed and watched him. He pulled a remote out of his pocket and held it. I'd never seen the remote before. I tried to look at his arm but couldn't see anything. I growled softly so not to annoy him. He chuckled and shifted to his left.

"What's that for?" I questioned.

"Nunya." He grunted, squinting at the buttons.

"Nunya?" I asked.

"Nunya business." He chuckled amusedly at

his own joke. I look at him annoyed and growled louder than before. He turned and faced me. He grabbed my hand and before I knew it he pressed a button and dragged me away.

I looked back to see the animatronics slowly disappear behind us. After walking down a few halls he stopped, gripped my wrist as hard like a hammer was smashing it.

"Ow, let go that hurts" I whimpered. He stared at me, still holding on. "Um, hello, let me go," I stated.

He smiled and harshly push me up against a wall. "What are y-" I was cut off by his lips pressing against mine.

Wait?! No...stop...STOP!!! I tried to cry.

I was pinned to the wall wishing I could get my phone. After struggling a while I decided to play along even though I didn't want to. I opened my mouth and let his tongue dueling with mine.

I felt disgusting. I faked moans and tried to get lost in thought. He finally stopped I let out a breath and hoped no one saw.

He smiled and let me go. I held my aching wrist and turned away from him. "Was I not good enough~?" He whispered to me.

"No, you were fantastic~" I lied. Disgusting PIG!! I started to walk away. He grabbed me and chuckled.

"Who said we were done...~" He smirked.

"I got to get to work so, yeah, I did," I said snarkily. He let me go and placed my phone in his back pocket. I huffed and ran away from him. 


I made to the stage and felt like vomiting. He walks out shortly after and smirks at me. I smile back then roll my eyes. He leaves and I lock the door immediately. I wanted to cry but I had sucked it up. I began looking for my phone. WHERE IS MY PHONE?! I looked in the EVIL halls. I searched and searched till I had to leave.

Five Nights At....wait copywrite Whatever The Fuck This Shit Is!Where stories live. Discover now