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Bendy rolled his eyes. I stared at between Bendy and the man.

"Stand up Sammy...." Bendy groaned.

"S-sammy?!" I yelled as Sammy stood up.

"Hello master and...." Sammy stopped when he felt someone's presence. I KNEW this feeling Alice. Alice was here and by judging this feeling she's not happy.

"Bendy where is your cutout?" I asked turning to him in fear. He pointed to the hallway. I ran and grabbed it. "Hey Bendy if I break this will you disappear?" I asked.

"Umm...." He tilted his head.

"No he will not disappear mistress..." Sammy spoke with a frighten tone. I nodded and dragged the cutout to Sans.

"Sans break this..." I smiled.

"But it a Bendy cutout..." Sans stated.

"DO IT NOW" I yelled. Sans nodded and shot a Gaster Blaster at the cutout. It fell to pieces. Then I felt the presence appear behind me. I groaned and turned around to see Alice on the floor crying.

"Why?!" She screamed tears streaming down her face.

". . ." I stood there looking at her with anger. Then I noticed Papyrus looking at me. "Papyrus what is it?" I asked.

"Shifty? Why is she crying??" Papyrus asked a worried tone was creeping through. I didn't answer him all I did was put my hand out to Alice. Alice looked at my hand then at me. I gave her a warm smile and left my hand where it was. She hesitated at first but after a minute she took my hand. I pulled her up and gave her a tight hug. Bendy, Papyrus, Boris, Sammy, and Sans were surprised but not as bad as Alice. I took this time to tell her something.

"Okay you are going to be able to stay here on three conditions... Number one you're not allowed in mine or anyone's room...Number two you can't talk to Boris or Bendy if they are busy with 'stuff' and Number three...DON'T. EVER. KISS. BENDY." I pulled away from alice and smiled. She smiled back and nodded. I walked over to Bendy and stood next to him.

"Umm..w-where is my room??" Alice asked afraid of my answer. I froze and signaled for her follow. She followed along with Bendy and Boris. I stopped in front of a room and knocked three times.

"Come in!" A raspy voice yelled. I walked in having a dull look in my eyes. Bendy and Alice behind me.

Five Nights At....wait copywrite Whatever The Fuck This Shit Is!Where stories live. Discover now