Goldie Fazbear???

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 I turn to see a 6'3 male with dirty blonde hair.

"Hello????" I smiled.

"Hi..." His soft raspy voice chuckled. Freddy was running over to us. I then started to walk over to Foxy not caring about what happening anymore.

"You okay?" I asked looking at Foxy's wounds.

"No lass I need help..." I nodded and placed my hands on his wound. "Ow...lass that...hurt?" He tilted his head he gazed at my hands. They were glowing a amber red color and the cuts healed. "What the fuck?!" Foxy poked his chest and face.

"I can heal but I don't do it very often..." I sighed.

"Oh you don't...well that was amazing.." He jumped up and hugged me. I smiled and pushed away from him. Freddy grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him.

"What the fuck Freddy!" I yelled trying to pry him off. His grip was like iron though keeping his sight locked on Goldie. Goldie grinned and walked over to a dark figure.

"Stay away from him Goldie!!" Freddy growled. Goldie ignored Freddy and grabbed the figure and smirked at Freddy. Then wandered to Foxy who was still amazed that I healed him so fast. His gaze drifted to Freddy and me. His eyes weren't full of revenge but they were full of tears and were begging for help. After a minute or two he broke the gaze between us. I saw his fist clench as he looked at foxy and said something or was doing something because Foxy lowered his guard making him vulnerable. I struggled and struggled to get free from Freddy.

"Let me go Freddy! Let me the fuck go!!!" I screamed.Goldie punched the wall next to him and we all got quiet but a hole was now there. I looked at Goldie and breathed slightly.

"Shifty just stop there's no point in struggling." Freddy whispered.

"Shut up fazefuck...." I Growled.

"Feisty as always..." Freddy sighed.

"Goldie....Please listen." I begged. Goldie ignored me and clenched his fist tighter. I shook my head and then something caught my eye. Goldie must have sensed it because he was trembling with fear or anger. I struggled to look where I saw it but failed because of FAZEFUCK. Goldie wasted no more time and punched Foxy in the stomach. The stunned fox fell forward and started to vomit. Goldie quickly wiped his eyes and back away from Foxy as if letting something or someone see. Foxy was sitting on the floor wheezing and vomit stains on his shirt. Freddy finally let go of my arm and a bruise started to form. I took this chance to punch Freddy in the face three times."I'm not dealing with you." I growled. I let his throat go and I look over at the rest of them. 

"I TOLD YOU TO LET ME GO!" I screamed.

"There was a trap" Freddy explained while rubbing his cheek.

"Freddy...Didn't you see the call for help?! Well Freddy did you see you little brother cry for HELP!" I shout. Freddy smacked me. I fell on the ground. No one moved and Freddy got angry looks from everyone. I stand up and walk over to Freddy and grab him by his throat

"I just go back and I really don't wanna deal with this so how about we just all STOP..." I cleared my throat. Goldie nodded and helped Foxy up. I noticed that Goldie had regret in his eyes. "Goldie?" I asked. He quickly turned to my and nodded. "Okay so did you mean to punch Foxy in the stomach?" I asked calmly everyone just watched. He shook his head. "So no one notices the regret and sorrow in your eyes and your pleas for help in your movements correct?" I asked glaring at Freddy.

"Yes that's correct" Goldie spoke quietly as if not to anger Freddy any more. I nodded and walked over to Freddy. He looked away but I kept my gaze on him.

"Freddy." I smiled.

"What?" Freddy grumbled in an annoyed tone.

"Knock that bullshit off now what are you five?" I rolled my eyes.

"Actually I'm '10' so fuck off." He growled.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I growled struggling to hold something back.

"U-um Shifty?" Goldie whispered. I didn't answer I just covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom. Chica ran after me, leaving the boys alone.

"Why the fuck are you here?" Freddy growled at Goldie. Goldie just shut him out. Freddy got annoyed after a few minutes and punched Goldie a few times. Bonnie tried to separate them but Freddy just punched him. Chica and me walked out of the bathroom my hand covered in blood that was now black and dry. I look over at Freddy calmly and slowly walked over to him. He looked at me and I slapped him.

"Suck it up you fucking piece of shit. Isn't Goldie there you FUCKING BROTHER?! No you know what don't answer that. Goldie is Freddy fucking Fazbear your brother?" I asked and looked at Goldie who was getting help to stand up by Foxy.

"I....Yes he-" Goldie started before becoming silent. I walk over to him and pulled him from Foxy and basically dragged him to the office. Goldie looked at me with a worried look. I pushed him into the office chair and closed both doors.


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