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"Rory, baby, come on, please just listen to me," he pleaded. 

I shook my head and continued packing my bags, ignoring his cries for me to stay or to listen to more of his lies. "I'M DONE! YOU'VE MADE A FOOL OF ME FOR THE LAST TIME!" 

"It didn't mean anything, please believe me, Rory," he cried again. He knew it was breaking my heart, right in two. He knew that the more he begged and pleaded, the more I would doubt my decision. 

I zipped my bag up and walked out of our, his room. "The fact that you're begging me to 'believe' you, tells me that you're lying. I just can't do this anymore." 

I stormed of to grab everything else; purse, keys, phone, laptop and charger, the lot of it. I opened the front door and placed everything in my car. I looked back and saw him standing at the door, his eyes red from crying and tears still spilling out of his eyes and on to his cheeks. I looked away quickly and got into my car. 

"RORY! RORY, PLEASE," he screamed from the doorway. "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" 

I held my tears back and started the car, driving away as fast as I could. I needed out, I needed to get away. I just couldn't take it anymore. His lies, the other girls, the fans. I just couldn't do it. I couldn't be the oblivious girlfriend that didn't care about it all. 

This isn't the first time he's cheated on me and if I stayed, it most certainly wouldn't be the last. The fame has gone straight to his head. He thinks that because he holds a degree of fame he can get away with anything. Well not with me, I'm not a toy. He can't just play with me when he feels like it and then sit me back on the shelf. I won't let him. 

I dialed the only person I could, the only person that understood what it was like to be suffocated around this person. I waited patiently as the phone rang and rang, preying that he would answer. I needed him to answer. Not only because I needed a place to stay but also because he had to know, he had to know that I was finally leaving him. For good this time. 

"Hello," his soft voice asked. 

I released the breath that I didn't realize I was holding. "Jax!" 

"Rory? Rory, is that you?" 

"Yeah Jax, it's me. Look, I know you're probably busy and have a house full but I could really use a place to stay," I begged. 

"Why? Did something happen between you and-" 

"We're done," I gushed out, interrupting him. "I left, Jax. I just couldn't take it anymore, being with him." 

I heard him sigh, making me fear that he didn't have the space. "I'm so sorry, Rory. And of course you can stay here, you're one of my best friends." 

"Thanks Jax. I'll be there in a few minutes. I promise it'll only be a few days, a week tops." 

He chuckled softly, "Don't even fret. I've got you. So does Nat." 

"Thank you so much," I whispered. "I'll see you soon."

"Of course, the door will be unlocked."

We said goodbye once more before hanging up. He knew better than anyone that it was difficult being with a guy that had his head so far up his own ass. He knew that I was fed up and that eventually I needed to get out of the relationship. He was the one convincing me to do so.  

I was speeding, not caring if I got caught or not. I just wanted to retreat to my best friend, the one person that could comfort me no matter what was going on. I should have listened to Jax when he told me to run, to run as fast as I could. The first time I was cheated on in this relationship, he told me, he warned me that it would happen again and again... and again. He made it clear that the girls would keep getting younger, and younger, under aged even. 

"Incoming call from Dr. Love." the car's Bluetooth sounded in his voice, it scared the shit out of me. I hated that he put his name in like that now. I hate that it's his voice that says it because I love him, after everything he's done to me, my heart still beats for him. "Press blue connect to answer." 

I didn't. I wouldn't. I couldn't. 

He humiliated me, again! He broke my heart, once more! And here he was, begging me to come back, promising things that would end up as words and nothing more. If anything, less. He doesn't get unlimited chances, no matter what other girls may tell him or have told him. To me, he's just another human being. I wouldn't give any man that many chances. I wouldn't let anyone get away with making a fool of me. I'm far too proud. 

But right now, I don't see the girl full of pride. I see a girl that let her guard down far enough for a virus to infect her. A virus that comes in the form of a man, a man that whispers sweet nothings until the sun rises. He infected my life, making me love him, something I thought I was incapable of before. I thought he was the one. I see a girl that is completely broken. Absolutely devastated. 

I want to be angry, I want to hate him. But as long as I love him, I know that those two things are virtually impossible. It would take a few days, maybe a few weeks for me to be angry and within the upcoming months, I might find it in me to hate him. The minute he has someone new, another one of his girls, I'll hate him, he'll make me sick to my stomach. But right now, right now I want to run back to him and tell him it's okay, maybe give him a slap on the hand but nothing else. 

But what I need is my best friend to tell me that's ridiculous. That I deserve so much more than that. That I don't need him to be happy or to succeed in life. I know that once I hear that, I'll realize just how over it is. 

I will realize that Austin Carlile is just going to be another name on my list. 

Another You - Austin Carlile, Tony Perry, Chris MotionlessWhere stories live. Discover now