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Chris' POV: 

I woke up with a raging headache and in my own bunk, Pearce no where in sight. I groaned and threw my legs over the side to make my way to the kitchen for coffee and something for my head. 

"I don't know," I heard Pearce whisper. "He didn't mean to, Jax. He promised me it wouldn't happen again." I peeked around the corner and saw it was just her at the table while the guys are most likely loading in. "Jax, I can't even explain it. He just... He makes me feel... I don't even know... I think we're finally on the same page.... Yes I'm sure... Alright, love you too. Bye." 

I walked back to the bathroom to brush my teeth quickly so she didn't think that I was listening in on her conversation that was clearly about Austin. I waited another minute before walking out and catching her attention. She looked up at me and smiled, sliding over so I could sit next to her in the booth. I didn't. I sat on the couch. I saw her frown but she quickly went back to her computer. 

"Did you sleep okay," she asked, a hint of bitterness in her voice. 

I nodded, knowing that she was looking at me again. "Best sleep I've had for years." 

"Well you did pass out as soon as we got you in the bunk."

"Where did you sleep?" She took a sip of her coffee and pointed to the back lounge. I then realized that she actually has a bunk on this bus. "Why not in your bunk?" 

She shrugged. "I was up late watching movies and talking to my sister, I didn't want to wake anyone while I was doing that." 

"Oh," I muttered. "How is your she?" 

"Eh, she's okay. She comes home next month and wants to see me," she replied, sarcasm evident in her voice. 

I got up and finally took the seat next to her and put my head on her shoulder. "I don't feel good," I mumbled, changing the topic of her sister. 

"Well you did drink a lot from the sounds of things," she chuckled. "Now you know, alcohol is bad for you." 

"Then why were you drinking," I asked, looking up at her with a cheesy grin. "Because I distinctively remember you stumbling in with that cute little outfit on." 

She rolled her eyes and gave me a light shove. "Well you blew it," she joked. 

"Yeah," I mumbled, looking down at the table and not at her.

I suddenly felt her crawling into my lap and straddling me, her eyes dulled with worry and concern. "Baby, listen to me. You assumed the worst and decided to do something stupid, you told me that she initiated it and I believe you. And besides... we haven't even made this," she motioned between us, "official." 

"Would you make it official," I asked, my voice hitching as she started kissing down my neck. "Be-because I would to-totally make it official." 

She chuckled and pressed her lips against mine. "Of course I would make it official, Chris. I just want to wait awhile before telling the fans." 

I nodded and grabbed her ass. "I can do that." 


Pearce's POV: 

"Nicely done, boys," I cheered as they all came off stage. "Especially you," I laughed as Chris followed, make up completely running down his face. 

"Anything on the schedule," Chris asked as we walked off. 

I nodded, "You've got an interview and I think that's about it." 

"Alright, I'll go get ready for it," he muttered and walked away from me. 

Another You - Austin Carlile, Tony Perry, Chris MotionlessWhere stories live. Discover now