I'm Not Your Friend, I'm Not Your Lover, I'm Not Your Family

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Chris' POV:

I left the party within the first 20 minutes. It just wasn't as fun without Pearce right next to me. I just wanted her to stand by me tonight, to show everyone that she's perfect and she's mine. I wanted people to see the love bites that I left on her neck or the way her cheeks would go bright pink if I let my hand rest on the small of her back or when I dropped it a little lower. I kicked up dirt and rocks as I walked back to the bus but stopped when I heard Ricky's voice coming from the window. I didn't even realize he left.

"Have you seen yourself, Pearce," he asked in a demanding tone. She didn't reply but I assume she did something to prompt him to continue. "Then you know what you look like. You're attractive and you're sassy and hilarious. You know how to handle all of our shit and deal with our crappy personalities. You're into the same things we are and in all of our eyes, you're perfect."

I took a step back. That was Ricky, my best friend with the girl that I'm convinced I'm in love with. I felt my blood boil at the thought of him saying those things to her, at the thought that he might possibly have his hands all over her. Before I could do anything I sprinted back to the Issues bus and grabbed a shot of Jack, breaking edge. I was too mad to care. I just wanted to forget what I just heard, I wanted to forget my best friend making moves on her. I wanted to forget that I loved her. So I continued to drink and I continued to break edge. 


Pearce's POV: 

"Ricky, are you sure I look okay," I asked nervously. 

He nodded, "You look stunning. Chris might actually fuck you in the middle of the party if you show up like that." 

We both laughed and ignored the fact that our speech was beyond slurred. I finally decided, with the help of my good friend, Jack Daniels, that I was going to get dressed up and go to that party. So I showered and straightened my hair, did my make up and found some cute clothes. 

I was dressed in a short, black skater skirt with a crimson zip up crop top. I was wearing stockings and a pair of my favorite creepers. I didn't look half bad. I put on one of my many skull rings and my raven necklace. Finally I grabbed my Misfits beanie and took off stumbling towards the front of the bus. 

"You're sure this is a good idea," I slurred. 

He nodded again and gave me a thumbs up. "You look hot!" 

"Okay then, let's go," I replied as I opened the door and walked in the direction of the other bus. 

Ricky followed me closely, making sure that every time I stumbled, I didn't fall flat on my face. When we finally arrived at the party I started getting nervous. I don't like people, I don't like parties, I only like Chris and that's the reason I'm here. If he had stayed on the bus with me I wouldn't be here. 

"Go on," Ricky urged. 

He took my hand and pulled me on to the bus. It was crowded as fuck and I couldn't even tell who most of these people were. The smell of booze was overpowering and I noticed that Balz and Ghost had cans of soda in their hands while Ryan was chugging a beer. I walked over to Ghost and Balz and waved at them.

"Pearce," they both cheered. 

I hiccuped and looked at them both and then realized that the one person I'm here to see, isn't here. "Where's Chris," I demanded, my speech still slurred. 

They both shrugged their shoulders and pointed to the back. I nodded and walked to the back, taking shots that were handed to me along the way. I opened the door to the back and saw Emilie Autumn on top of Chris, the majority of their clothes were on the ground. 

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