Chapter 2: My Dream Is Really Coming True

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Sydne's POV

After I read that email, I was too shocked. I didn't know what to say. I knew that I wanted to reply, but I wasn't sure what I had to say. But, I had to make a move quickly. I pulled up the email again, and I started typing my reply. *Dear Mrs. Johnson, Thank you for sending me this email. I am honestly shocked until now, because I wasn't sure how to react. But, I will be honored and glad to accept this invitation for being your talent's opening act. Just email me back with details for when I would be able to meet with your talent and have a meeting or something. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Sydne Ryland.* *Sent.* The email has now been sent. Now I just have to wait for Mrs. Johnson's reply back.

------A few days later------

It has been a few days since I sent the reply, and at this point, I was too anxious to know if she had already replied or not. But, it's worth the try. I opened up my laptop and checked my email to see if she had replied already. Once I opened my email, there it was. Mrs. Johnson had replied to my email. The email read, *Great to hear that you're accepting the invitation. I just had spoken to my talent, and he wants to fly you out to California and meet him here at Island Records in Santa Monica, California in 3 days. We'll be looking forward to seeing you.* My life has just gotten so much better. A few minutes have gone by, and Mrs. Johnson had my plane tickets forwarded to me. I am honestly so excited now to fly out to California and meet her talent. And, the fact that she said her talent was a "Him," I got really curious at that point. I wonder who it could be. I'll just have to wait and see.

------3 days later; at Portland International Airport------

Today is the day! I am so excited to be going to California. My flight is at 9:30 am, and I've been at the airport since 7:30 am. My flight is supposed to be about 2 hours and 15 minutes long, which isn't too long for me. After 1 hour went by, it was time for me to board my plane. After I found my seat, I sat down and waited for the plane to take off.

------2 1/2 hours later------

The flight took 15 minutes longer than it was supposed to, but that is perfectly fine. I grabbed my bags and got off the plane. Heading towards the exit, I was told by Mrs. Johnson two days ago, that someone would be picking up at the airport and would have a sign that said *Ryland* on it. Once I got to that point, I saw the driver that had my last name. "Are you Miss. Ryland?" He asked. "Yes I am." I smiled. "Follow me this way." He replied as he took my bags for me. I got in the car and he began to drive. "Good Morning, ma'am. I was sent by Mrs. Johnson and was told to drive you over the Island Records in Santa Monica." The driver said. "That's perfect. Thank you." I replied. After 45 minutes, we finally arrived at Island Records. The driver got down and helped me with my bags. As I tried to hand over my payment, the driver rejected it. "No ma'am, it's ok. I was already paid by Mrs. Johnson." The driver said. "No please, take this. It's an extra tip from me." I smiled as I handed him the money. "Thank you very much. Have a great day." He smiled as he got in his car and drove away. I grabbed my bags and made my way in the building.

"Hi, I'm Sydne Ryland. I'm looking for Mrs. Sarah Johnson." I said at the front desk. "Ohh yes, she has been waiting for you." The clerk smiled as she grabbed a phone to call Mrs. Johnson. "She'll be down in 5 minutes. Have a seat over there and you can wait for her." The clerk smiled. "Ok, thank you so much!" I smiled as I took a seat and waited. While I was waiting, I decided to call my Mom and let her know that I have arrived. "Hey Mom, I'm here in California now. I just arrived to where I'm supposed to be at." I said to my Mom as I heard her pick up the phone. "That's great to hear, sweetie! Are you doing ok there so far?" She asked. "Yes Mom, I'm doing fine. How are you guys doing?" I asked. "We're doing great. And we're honestly really happy for you." Mom said. "Thanks Mom. That really means a lot to me." I smiled. "Well, we know how much this means to you, so we are all very happy." She said. "Thanks again, Mom." I smiled. While I was chatting with my Mom, I heard my name being called. "Sydne Ryland." I heard the voice call me. "Mom, I have to go now. They're calling me." I told my Mom. "Ok sweetie, good luck!" Mom said. "Thanks a lot, Mom. I love you guys." I said. "We love you, too." She replied as I hung up.

"That's me!" I raised my hand and gave a smile. "Hi Miss. Ryland. I'm Mrs. Sarah Johnson, the one who has been emailing you." She smiled. "It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Johnson." I smiled as I shook her hand. "How was your trip here?" She asked. "It went really well. Thank you so much for paying for my trip." I smiled. "It's our pleasure, Miss. Ryland. Now, follow me. My talent is waiting to meet you." She smiled as I followed her to the elevator. Once we got on the elevator, we ended up going to the 14th floor, which I guess is where the meeting will be. When we got off the elevator, Mrs. Johnson led me to a meeting room. "Wait right in here, I'm going to go get my talent." She said. "Ok." I replied as I waited patiently. After 15 minutes went by, I was getting really anxious because I really wanted to know who her talent is, and who I'll be opening for. I remember her saying in the email that her talent was a "Him," but, I honestly had no ideas of who it could be. Then, after 30 full minutes went by, the moment has finally come. I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I shouted. When I turned around, I saw Mrs. Johnson coming through the door. "So Miss. Ryland, are you ready to meet him?" She smiled. "I guess, I am ready." I said. "So Miss. Ryland, meet my talent, the one you will be opening for...." She paused, as her talent walked right through those doors. "Mr. Shawn Mendes." She finished. Right as I saw him, my face went blank.

*To be continued...*

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